How long should it take to run 8km?

Split by km

km Time/km
5 km 30:00
6 km 36:00
7 km 42:00
8 km 48:00

What is a good running pace per km?

Speed by distance

Sex Race distance Average pace per mile (1.6 km)
male 5 km (3.1 mi) 10:18:10
female 5 km (3.1 mi) 12:11:10
male 10 km (6.2 mi) 8:41:43
female 10 km (6.2 mi) 10:02:05

What pace is 8km per hour?

The quick way to see how fast you run in km and miles

Kilometers Per Hour Miles Per Hour 10k
8.00kph 4.97mph 01:15:00
8.10kph 5.03mph 01:14:04
8.20kph 5.10mph 01:13:10
8.30kph 5.16mph 01:12:17

How do you calculate pace per km?

Pace is given in unit of time per unit of distance, whereas speed is distance over time. In order to count speed and pace all by yourself you need 2 formulas: Speed (km/h) = distance (km) / time (h) Pace (sec/km) = time (sec) / distance (km)

Is it OK to run 8km everyday?

You can certainly run 8km per day – many people can do that. At a “reasonable” speed that is only 1/2 hour to 45 minutes per day. Not too much at all. Depending on how much you run currently, you should work up to that distance, say by adding 1/2 mile or 1 mile every few days.

Is it hard to run 8K?

Though that’s only roughly a couple of miles more than a 5K (3.1 miles), training for and racing an 8K more closely resembles what you’d do for a 10K (6.2 miles), says Bradley. You’ll need to pace yourself a little bit more than you would during a 5K if you want to finish strong.

How fast should I be running for my age?

Average running speed per mile in a 5K

Age Men (minutes per mile) Women (minutes per mile)
20–24 9:30 11:44
25–29 10:03 11:42
30–34 10:09 12:29
35–39 10:53 12:03