How do I find my network interface HP-UX?

On the HP-UX system, ping the broadcast address of the LAN interface. (To determine the broadcast address for lanX, look at the output of ifconfig lanX.) If there is no network connectivity, then there will be no responses from other systems on the subnet.

How do I reboot my HP-UX server?

HP-UX shutdown or Reboot command

  1. To reboot HP-UX use command. # reboot.
  2. To shutdown HP-UX in 120 seconds (2 minutes) use command. # shutdown -hy 120.
  3. To shutdown to single user mode use command. # shutdown -y 0.
  4. To shutdown down a V-Class server use command. # cd / # shutdown.

How do I install software on HP-UX?

Installing HP-UX Applications from the DVD

  1. Insert the Application Software DVD in the DVD drive.
  2. Mount the Application Software DVD.
  3. To determine which products and versions are on your system, use the swlist command:
  4. To install software from the Application Software DVD, use the swinstall command:

How do I boot from an EFI file?

You can boot from an EFI file by pressing the F9 key to launch the Boot Devices Options menu. All available boot options are listed on the Boot Option menu. Selecting Boot from EFI File presents a file explorer screen that lists all available file system mappings.

How do I start HP UX in single user mode?

First, you need to tell HP-UX box to boot primary, it should give you a prompt to interact with the ISL. You should reply ‘y’ to this. Once at ISL> prompt type hpux -is or hpux -iS /stand/vmunix to boot into single user mode.

How do I find the IP address of my HP-UX server?

Re: getting ip address of hp-ux server You can use commands like nslookup, getip, nsquery and dig to look up hostnames and IP’s. This information is configured in /etc/rc. config. d/netconf.

How do I install depot GZ file on HP-UX?

Install a DEPOT on HP-UX using swinstall

  1. Select the target location.
  2. Select the source.
  3. Select the depot file to install as shown in the figure.
  4. Mark the software for installation.
  5. Press ‘m’ to mark the software for installation.
  6. Install the software.
  7. Analysis – It will perform the analysis process.

What is EFI device in BIOS?

The EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) system partition or ESP is a partition on a data storage device (usually a hard disk drive or solid-state drive) that is used by computers having the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI).