What is the System Landscape Directory?

The System Landscape Directory (SLD) of SAP NetWeaver is a central provider of information on software and systems. It is used by many client applications, such as SAP NetWeaver Process Integration, SAP Solution Manager, and the Adaptive Computing Controller.

What is System Landscape Directory in SAP PI?

The System Landscape Directory contains the information about landscape and software component versions. A SAP system can be configured to register under this directory. System Landscape Directory (SLD) manages information about all installable and installed elements of your system landscape.

How do I access System Landscape Directory in SAP B1?

  1. I have restarted ” Sap Business One SLD Services in Services” in services.
  2. And started SAP B1 Service manager –> License Manager –> Configuration security–> after click it will open the Landscape Directory web page –> provide B1siteuser ID and Password.
  3. Open the web page and select the server and data base.

How do I view SAP in landscape?

Go to transaction code – SMSY click the tab utilities – and navigate to analysis. Search for data source – in the data source you will see from where the systems register in the system landscape.

What is difference between SLD and Lmdb?

The LMDB receives SLD changes automatically when a change occurs, using polling by LMDB, or active change notifications by the SLD. SLD contains data from managed system and their data suppliers, which automatically pass all the information in SLD. The transaction code used for ABAP system is RZ70.

How do I setup my RZ70?

GO to TCODE : RZ70 –> Proceed as per below screenshot. Fill SLD host name where we have configured SLD of project. You can also set Job frequency of SLD data transfer job. Yes. It will execute SLD data transfer in dialog also will schedule SLD data transfer Jon in background.

How do I start SLD in SAP b1 Hana?

Type command /etc/init. d/sapb1servertools restart to restart SLD service, Analytics Platform, etc. Wait until service fully restarted.

What is SLT replication in SAP HANA?

SLT is the an ETL ( Extract , Transform , Load ) tool which allows us to load and replicate data in real-time or schedule data from SAP source system or Non SAP System into SAP HANA Database. SAP SLT server uses a trigger-based replication approach to pass data from source system to target system.

How do I transfer data from SLD to Lmdb?


  1. Start transaction SOLMAN_SETUP and choose Mandatory Configuration Infrastructure Preparation Set Up Landscape Management LMDB Synchronization .
  2. In the initial setup, you have to configure the LMDB object server, in this screen.
  3. Save your entries and close the dialog box.

What is the purpose of Lmdb in SAP?

The Landscape Management Database (LMDB) is part of SAP Solution Manager providing central access to all landscape data.

What is SAP Sldapicust?

You have to use transaction SLDAPICUST in the business system to define the SLD access data. This data consists of the host and port of the SLD as well as a user and password (PIAPPLUSER, for example). You can use the entries that you maintained on your Integration Server.

How do I manually start HANA DB services?

Execute one of the following commands:

  1. Start the SAP HANA system by entering the following command:   /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr -function Start.
  2. Stop the SAP HANA system by entering the following command:   /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr -function Stop.