What are the 4 ology words?

The following list has examples of common –ology words; each word means “the study of” the word that follows it.

  • Alology: Algae.
  • Anthropology: Humans.
  • Archaeology: Past human activity.
  • Axiology: Values.
  • Bacteriology: Bacteria.
  • Biology: Life.
  • Cardiology: Heart.
  • Cosmology: Origin and laws of the universe.

What are words that end in ology?


  • anthropology.
  • epidemiology.
  • microbiology.
  • pharmacology.
  • epistemology.
  • rheumatology.
  • parasitology.
  • ecclesiology.

How many things end with ology?

How many words end in Ology? There are 219 words that end with Ology in the Scrabble dictionary.

How many ologies are there?

Ready for a Health Care Career? 14 Ology Words to know

  • Anatomy & Physiology.
  • Biology.
  • Cell Physiology.
  • Embryology.
  • Health Science Terminology.
  • Histology.
  • Immunobiology.
  • Kinesiology.

What are some examples of ology?

Examples of -ology words include cardiology (study of the heart), dermatology (study of the skin), oceanology (study of oceans), biology (study of life), zoology (study of animals), ecology (study of organisms/the environment), and sociology (study of social interaction).

What is the shortest word that ends with ology?

1 Answers. It should be OOLOGY which is the study or collecting of birds’ eggs.

What is the shortest ology word?

The shortest -ology (study of) word is oology, the study of eggs.

What is science ology?

A field of scientific study is called an ology. Most science fields have names with an -ology suffix. Here is an alphabetical list of science ologies and what they study. A list of non-ology sciences is also provided.

What is the study of ology?

An ology is a discipline of study, as indicated by having the -ology suffix. This is a list of science ologies. Please let me know if you know of an -ology that should be added to the list. Acarology, the study of ticks and mites. Actinobiology, the study of the effects of.

What is the weirdest ology?

Picture this: Ologies you may not know

  • Nephology. Nephology is the rather quaint study of clouds, taking its name from the Greek word for these watery masses, nephos.
  • Pomology.
  • Areology.
  • Apiology.
  • Exobiology.
  • Speleology.
  • Ethology.
  • Dendrology.

Which ology is the study of animals?

Zoology is the study of all animals of all shapes and sizes, from tiny insects to large mammals. Zoologists investigate what animals eat and how they live, and how animals interact with their habitats.