Where can I get TM08?


Location Purchase price
GSC Route 36, Goldenrod Department Store* 1000

Where do you get rock smash in Gen 2?


TM Move Locations
TM08 Rock Smash Route 36, Goldenrod Department Store
TM09 Psych Up Traded Abra and Kadabra from Generation I
TM10 Hidden Power Lake of Rage, Celadon Department Store
TM11 Sunny Day Goldenrod Radio Tower, Celadon Department Store

Is rock smash a TM or HM?

Rock Smash (Japanese: いわくだき Rock Smash) is a damage-dealing Fighting-type move introduced in Generation II. It was TM08 in Generation II, HM06 in Generations III and IV, TM94 in Generation V and Pokémon X and Y, HM06 in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, and TM98 in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

How do you get rock smash in TM brilliant diamond?

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Rock Smash Location. You’ll get Rock Smash as soon as you enter Oreburgh Gate, the short cave system connecting Jubilife City to Oreburgh. The Hiker at the western entrance gives you three Rock Smash TMs (TM 98).

What is tm8 Pokemon?

TM08 is: Body Slam in Generation 1. Rock Smash in Generation 2. Bulk Up in Generations 3-7 and Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl. Substitute in Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee.

How do you get ho oh in gold?

Bring the Rainbow Wing to Ecruteak City and you will gain entry into the Tin Tower, home to the Legendary Pokemon Ho-oh. Players of Pokemon Gold will get the Rainbow Wing first (by driving Team Rocket out of the Radio Tower), so they will be able to catch Ho-oh and use it against the Elite Four.

What TMS can you buy in goldenrod?


TM Attack Location
TM14 Blizzard Goldenrod City Dept. Store, costs P 5500
TM15 Hyper Beam Goldenrod City Dept. Store, costs P 7500
TM16 Light Screen Goldenrod City Dept. Store, costs P 2000
TM17 Protect Goldenrod City Dept. Store, costs P 2000

Who should I teach rock smash to Diamond?

The 12 Best Pokemon To Learn Rock Smash

  1. 1 Scizor. Another ability that can improve the use of Rock Smash is Technician, which adds fifty percent more power to any moves it uses with 60 power or less.
  2. 2 Togekiss.
  3. 3 Flareon.
  4. 4 Treecko.
  5. 5 Zigzagoon.
  6. 6 Urshifu.
  7. 7 Tapu Bulu.
  8. 8 Galarian Zapdos.

What is the hidden move in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond?

While they are not required to use like in the original games, each Hidden Move is also available as a TM which players can teach their Pokemon to use the move in battle….HM Moves Return as TMs.

Hidden Move Corresponding TM
Defog TM96
Surf TM97
Strength TM98
Rock Climb TM99

Why can’t I use Rock Smash brilliant diamond?

It is very likely that the Rock Smash HM is grayed out. This means you have learned the ability but you do not yet have the experience to actually use it. You simply need to complete the first gym and obtain the badge. You will then be able to smash rocks like I explained previously.