What does 30% precipitation mean?

For example, a 30 percent chance of rain may mean 100 percent confidence that only 30 percent of the forecast area is going to get rain. Days like that, we say isolated showers.

What is 20% precipitation in weather?

Ackerman explained that when a forecast says that there is a 20 percent chance of rain in a particular location, it means that if there were 100 days with identical conditions, it would rain on 20 of those days.

What is 80% precipitation mean?

That’s because weather forecasts give their “percentage chance” in probabilities. The answer? An “80% chance of rain” means that there is an 80% chance that rain will fall somewhere within the forecasted area. Rain refers to 0.01 inch or more.

What is 10% precipitation mean?

If there’s a 10 percent chance of rain, it means the current conditions yield rainfall one out of every 10 times observed.

What does precip 60% mean?

Some forecasters emphasize the chance you will see rain at some time during the forecast period. Others emphasize the area affected. If they say 60% chance of rain, 60% of their area will experience rain at some point during the forecast period.

What is 60% precipitation mean?

What does 70 percent precipitation mean?

Basically, it means that a certain percentage of the forecast area is expected to get rain. If we say there is a 40 percent chance of rain, we expect 40 percent of the forecast area — which would be Phoenix — to get rain, and 60 percent of Phoenix would not.

What does 60% rain mean?

If they say 60% chance of rain, 60% of their area will experience rain at some point during the forecast period. The forecaster will often mention which interpretation they adhere to. Keep in mind, PoP only refers to the chance of precipitation, NOT how much rain you will get.

What does a 50% chance of rain mean?

A 50 percent chance of rain means there is a 50 percent chance for any one spot in the forecast area to get wet during the forecast period.