What is the advantage of the wound rotor motor over the squirrel cage motor?

Ans. The wound-rotor motors have the following advantages over the squirrel cage motors : (i) High starting torque and low starting current. (ii) Smooth acceleration under heavy load.

What are the differences between squirrel cage rotor and wound rotor?

Difference squirrel cage rotor and wound or slip cage rotor This rotor is in the form of 3 phase winding. In squirrel cage rotor no slip rings or brushes. In wound or slip rotor slip rings and brushes are used. It has a simple construction.

What are the advantage and disadvantage of squirrel cage motor over a wound rotor motor?

Squirrel Cage Induction motors are cheaper in cost compared to Slip Ring Induction motors. Requires less maintenance and rugged construction. Because of the absence of slip rings, brushes maintenance duration and cost associated with the wear and tear of brushes are minimized.

What is the difference between squirrel cage and induction motor?

The slip ring induction motors have high starting torque with low starting current whereas squirrel cage motors have low starting torque and high starting current. Slip-ring motor has smooth acceleration under heavy loads as compare to the squirrel cage motor.

Why many are much prefer to use squirrel cage over wound rotor type induction motor?

Advantages of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor They are low cost. Require less maintenance (as there are no slip rings or brushes) Good speed regulation (they are able to maintain a constant speed) High efficiency in converting electrical energy to mechanical energy (while running, not during startup)

What are the main constructional difference between WRIM & SQIM?

Construction wise, the squirrel cage induction motor (SCIM) consists of a cylindrical rotor on which aluminum bars are present inside the slots but there are no windings present. Whereas in Wound rotor induction motor (WRIM), 3-phase windings are present on the rotor.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of squirrel cage motors?

Difference Between Squirrel Cage and Slip Ring Induction Motor

Squirrel Cage Motor Slip Ring Motor
Cost Low High
Maintenance Low High
Speed Control Poor Good
Efficiency on startup Poor Good

Why are squirrel cages more efficient?

Squirrel cage motor is better cooled compared to slip ring induction motor. Squirrel cage motors operate at nearly constant, high overload capacity, and operates at better power factor. Squirrel cage motor is explosion-proof due to the absence of brushes slip ring and brushes which eliminates the risk of sparking.

What are the advantages of squirrel cage motor?

Some advantages of squirrel cage induction motors are:

  • Simple and rugged construction.
  • The low initial as well as the maintenance cost.
  • Maintains constant speed.
  • The overload capacity is high.
  • Simple starting arrangement.
  • High power factor.
  • Low rotor copper loss.

Which of the following is disadvantage of squirrel cage induction motor?

Some disadvantages of squirrel cage induction motors are: Very poor speed control. Although they are energy efficient while running at full load current, they consume a lot of energy on startup. They are more sensitive to fluctuations in the supply voltage.

Why squirrel cage rotor is used in induction motor?

Squirrel cage motors maximize electromagnetic induction by utilizing rotor bars to interact with the stator’s EMF. The stator usually contains windings of wire which carry an AC current; this current changes in sync with a sinusoidal curve (or “alternates”), which changes the current direction in the wire windings.