What is the best birdhouse for purple martins?

The most popular style of individual birdhouses for purple martins are hollow gourds, which can be aesthetically pleasing as well as appropriately sized and spaced for the birds.

How do you make a purple martin house birdhouse?

Cut three pieces of wood as shown below.

  1. Prepare the Roof of the Martin Bird House. Cut two pieces of wood as shown below.
  2. Cut out the Long Apartment Dividers.
  3. Cut out the Short Apartment Dividers.
  4. Create the Bird Perch Brackets.
  5. Create the Bird Perches.
  6. Hang or mount your birdhouse.

How big should the hole be for a purple martin house?

Entry Hole It will be perfect if the entrance hole diameter is between 1 3/4 and 2 1/4 inches. Entree holes containing 2 1/8 inches are the most suitable ones for Martins. You can also go with crescent-shaped holes as they prevent other birds from entering the houses.

What kind of house do purple martins like?

Wooden housing should be made from untreated material only. Wood 3/4” thick will provide better insulation against heat and cold. Cedar, cypress, or redwood works well. Plastic houses and gourds should be of thick (preferably UV-resistant) material, and should not allow light to filter through the walls.

What color should a martin house be?

White is the preferred color for purple martin houses. White offers maximum reflection of sunlight, which keeps the interior of the house cool so the birds can flourish and raise their young. You can paint the trim, such as the roof line and the ledges below the doors, a different color, but it is not necessary.

How far away from trees should a purple martin house be?

Open Space. The martin house must be located a minimum of 40ft from any tall trees or structures, the more room the better, and have no over hanging branches above the house.

Do purple martins need a perch?

More Tips for Attracting Purple Martins Add supplemental perches above and below purple martin houses to give birds a safe spot to roost and preen. These perches should be thin and narrow enough that they cannot be used by larger predators.

What color should a purple martin house be?

Paint It White White is the preferred color for purple martin houses. White offers maximum reflection of sunlight, which keeps the interior of the house cool so the birds can flourish and raise their young.

How high should a purple martin house be mounted?

12-20 ft.
Martin houses should be placed in an open location, at least 40 ft. from trees or buildings. Martins prefer to have clear access to houses from all sides, and like to have perching sites like utility wires nearby, but not attached to the nest box. The height of the housing can be anywhere from 12-20 ft.

What is the best nesting material for purple martins?

Martins construct their nests of leaves, grass and feathers. Try offering these supplies hanging about your yard in old suet cages. Or, try our ready-made nesting material for added success. Predator Guards can be installed on the houses to protect from natural predators such as owls, hawks, snakes and raccoons.

How do I attract purple martins to my Martin house?

How to Attract Purple Martins to Your Garden

  1. Construct housing in an open area. As wild birds, purple martins are more likely to nest in an area that isn’t too close to human housing.
  2. Install housing on a telescoping pole.
  3. Keep predators at bay.
  4. Deter other bird species.
  5. Use a little trickery.