What is the CPT code for wrist?

25690 in category: Fracture and/or Dislocation Procedures on the Forearm and Wrist. 25695 in category: Fracture and/or Dislocation Procedures on the Forearm and Wrist. 25800 in category: Arthrodesis, wrist. 25805 in category: Arthrodesis, wrist.

What is the CPT code for flexor Tenosynovectomy?

CPT code 26145 is defined as “Synovectomy, tendon sheath, radical (tenosynovectomy), flexor tendon, palm and/or finger, each tendon.” CPT code 26440 is defined as “Tenolysis, flexor tendon; palm OR finger, each tendon.

What is the CPT code for extensor Tenosynovectomy?

Files related to Synovectomy tendon sheath, radical tenosynovectomy, flexor, palm or finger, single, each digit (26145)

What is the CPT code for a ganglion cyst?

If so what is that proper code? The correct CPT code for the aspiration of a ganglion cyst is 20612.

What is procedure code 29846?

CPT® 29846, Under Endoscopy/Arthroscopy Procedures on the Musculoskeletal System. The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code 29846 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Endoscopy/Arthroscopy Procedures on the Musculoskeletal System.

What is a Tenosynovectomy?

Tenosynovectomy is a procedure performed to surgically excise the tendon sheath (a layer of membrane surrounding the tendon). Typically used to treat patients that have developed tenosynovitis, this procedure will reduce joint inflammation and pain if anti-inflammatory medications or compression aren’t successful.

What is Tenosynovectomy wrist?

Tenosynovectomy is an operation to correct restricted or painful movement of a tendon due to thickening and adhesions within the tendon sheath. During surgery, the inflamed, thickened lining tissue (tenosynovium) is removed from around the tendons.

What is extensor Tenosynovectomy?