How do you get a resettlement in Canada?

Under the Government-Assisted Refugees (GAR) program, refugees are referred for resettlement to Canada by UNHCR and other partners with which Canada has an agreement. Refugees must be registered with UNHCR or the state authorities in the country where they found asylum to be considered for referral.

How can I apply for refugees in Canada?

There are two ways to make an asylum claim in Canada: (1) At an official Port of Entry, or (2) inside Canada at the office of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). In both processes, Canadian officials will determine if you are eligible to make an asylum claim.

Does Canada accept refugees?

Canada resettles refugees to save lives and to provide stability to those fleeing persecution with no hope of relief. Through its refugee protection system, Canada offers a safe haven to: people with a well-founded fear of persecution, and.

How does a refugee apply for resettlement?

How are refugees submitted for resettlement? Following a referral for possible resettlement, UNHCR resettlement staff verifies the registration and refugee status of the case referred, and will set up an appointment for a resettlement interview.

What is the process of resettlement?

Resettlement is the transfer of refugees from an asylum country to another State, that has agreed to admit them and ultimately grant them permanent residence.

Who is eligible for asylum in Canada?

2) Country of Asylum Class. You may be in this class if you: are outside your home country or the country where you normally live and have been, and continue to be, seriously and personally affected by civil war or armed conflict, or have suffered massive violations of human rights.

Can I apply for resettlement?

How to become a resettlement refugee. You have to contact the local field office of the UNHCR (external website). The UNHCR will first consider whether or not you are a refugee. They will also consider if you can return to your home country, or continue to stay in the country you are in now.

How are refugees submitted for resettlement?

Who qualifies as a refugee in Canada?

Foreign nationals, who fear persecution, who are at serious risk of harm and who cannot get protection in their own country often seek refuge in Canada. People who are recognized as refugees are allowed to stay in Canada and may apply for permanent residence status, and eventually may apply to become Canadian citizens.