What are lanceolate leaves?

Lanceolate refers to a leaf, sepal, petal, or other flat structure that is wider at the base than at the midpoint, tapers toward the apex, and has a length-to-width ratio of 3:1 or more.

What do you mean by Draughtsman?

Definition of draftsman 1 : a person who draws plans and sketches (as of machinery or structures) 2 : a person who draws legal documents or other writings. 3 : an artist who excels in drawing.

What is Unicostate?

adjective. having only one costa, rib, or ridge. Botany. (of a leaf) having only one primary or prominent rib, the midrib.

What is a acicular?

Definition of acicular : shaped like a needle acicular leaves acicular crystals.

What tree has a lanceolate leaf?

Willows have long and slender “lanceolate” leaves. Water oak leaves are “spatulate”, with slender bases and very broad tips.

What does a Lanceolate leaf look like?

A lanceolate leaf is usually around four times as long as the broadest point of the leaf. The tip narrows to a definitive and sharp apex, and the base may be pointed as well, or broad and slightly flared, depending on the species. The shape of the leaf, in other words, resembles that of a lance.

What is civil draughtsman?

Draughtsman (Civil) is also called drafter. It is an art vocational trade, and the course is designed to provide a drawing of projects, it helps to get visual guidelines and showing the technical details. A drafter uses drawings, rough sketches, codes, and calculations supplied by engineers, architects, or scientists.

What is the difference between draftsman and draughtsman?

A Draftsman is a person who drafts legal documents whereas a Draughtsman is a person who makes detailed technical plans or drawings. Draftsman is an alternative form of draughtsman. is that draftsman is (us) (draughtsman) while draughtsman is a person skilled at drawing engineering or architectural plans.

What is Multicostate?

(ˌmʌltɪˈkɒsteɪt) adj. (Biology) (of a leaf, shell, or coral)having several costae or ribs.

What is Unicostate and Multicostate?

ANSWER. UNICOSTATE:When only one midvein is present, while all other veins form the network like structure is known as Pinnate reticulate venation. This venation is also called as Unicostate reticulate venation. MULTICOSTATE: a leaf, shell, or coral)having several costae or ribs.

What is acicular shape?

In botany: a slender leaf shape. In mineralogy: Acicular (crystal habit) refers to a needle-like crystal form.

What is acicular structure?

Acicular ferrite is a microstructure of ferrite in steel that is characterised by needle-shaped crystallites or grains when viewed in two dimensions. The grains, actually three-dimensional in shape, have a thin lenticular shape.

What is a lanceolate leaf?

Leaves of a lanceolate form are the largest, and the shape of those found on most varieties of the American plant. Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce | E. R. Billings. The interior of the cathedral is comparatively poor and bare; but it has one great beauty—its colored lanceolate windows.

What are lanceolate prisms?

: shaped like a lance head specifically : tapering to a point at the apex and sometimes at the base lanceolate leaves lanceolate prisms — see leaf illustration.

What is the root word of Lance?

lan·ce·o·late  (lăn′sē-ə-lāt′) adj. Shaped like the head of a lance; tapering from a rounded base toward the apex: lanceolate leaves. [Late Latin lanceolātus, from Latin lanceola, diminutive of Latin lancea, lance; see lance.] lan′ce·o·late′lyadv. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

What is the meaning of lance head?

[lan-see-uh-leyt, -lit] adjective. shaped like the head of a lance. narrow, and tapering toward the apex or sometimes at the base, as a leaf.