What is Merchant equation?
What is Merchant equation?
The Merchant equation states that the shear plane angle increases when rake angle is increased and friction angle is decreased.
How do we calculate cutting force?
The formula for cutting speed (sfm) is tool diameter 5 0.26 5 spindle speed (rpm). The formula for feed per tooth (fpt) is table feed (ipm)/number of flutes/spindle speed (rpm). The formula for spindle speed (rpm) is cutting speed (sfm) 5 3.82/tool diameter.
How do you draw a Merchant Circle diagram?
How to draw Merchant’s circle diagram?
- Determine the value of thrust force .
- As the rake angle of the tool is known, draw the chip and tool in the orthogonal plane.
- Draw the force as a horizontal component and the other force as a vertical component.
- For the forces, and draw their resultant force .
What is thrust force in metal cutting?
It is in the radial direction, i.e., in the direction perpendicular to the generated surface. It may be considered due to the reaction between the tool and the workpiece. It is also called thrust force and is represented by (Fr). (c) In vertical direction (FC): It is vertical component of the cutting force.
What is Lee and Shaffer theory?
In metal cutting, Lee and Shaffer’s theory is based on slip line field theory. It is based on the assumption that: The material being cut behaves like an ideal plastic with no strain hardening. The shear plane represents a direction of maximum shear stress.
What is Merchant analysis?
Merchant circle diagram is used to analyze the forces acting in metal cutting. The analysis of three forces system, which balance each other for cutting to occur. Each system is a triangle of forces.
How do I calculate my cutting speed?
The following equation is used to calculate spindle speed: rpm = sfm ÷ diameter × 3.82, where diameter is the cutting tool diameter or the part diameter on a lathe in inches, and 3.82 is a constant that comes from an algebraic simplifica-tion of the more complex formula: rpm = (sfm × 12) ÷ (diameter × π).
What is Merchant Circle?
MerchantCircle is a Walnut Creek, California-based digital company which helps small and midsize businesses network with other local businesses and reach local customers through free marketing tools and social media features.
What is chip thickness ratio?
The chip thickness ratio or cutting ratio is defined as the ratio of chip thickness before cutting to the thickness after cutting. Chip thickness ratio depends on. Type of material to be worked. Geometry of cutting tool. Types of cutting fluid.