How do you find out who were slave owners?

Records That Identify Slave Owners Directly

  1. Newspapers.
  2. Freedmen’s Bureau Records.
  3. Freedman’s Bank Records.
  4. Southern Claims Commission Records.
  5. Compensated Emancipation Records.
  6. Civil War Pension Files.
  7. Church Records.
  8. 1850 U.S. Census – Slave Schedule.

How do I trace my ancestry for free?

Totally Free Genealogy Websites

  1. AccessGenealogy. This grab-bag of free genealogy records keeps growing.
  2. Allen County Public Library.
  3. Ancestral Findings.
  4. Ancestry Library Edition.
  5. Books We Own.
  6. Facebook.
  7. FamilySearch.
  8. Genealogy Bargains.

How can you identify a slave?

Someone in slavery might:

  1. appear to be under the control of someone else and reluctant to interact with others.
  2. not have personal identification on them.
  3. have few personal belongings, wear the same clothes every day or wear unsuitable clothes for work.
  4. not be able to move around freely.

What is the name for a slave owner?

slaveholder; slaver; owner; possessor.

Where were the plantations located in Alabama?

List of plantations in Alabama

Historic register/ Reference number Name Notes
93000599 Cedar Grove Plantation Built 1848
93000600 Cedar Haven Built 1850, destroyed during 1990s.
Chasley Farms Built 1835, rare intact plantation complex.
84000384 Cherokee Plantation Built 1821, with later expansions.

Where did Alabama slaves come from?

Most of the settlers came from the nearby states of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, attracted by the prospect of fertile land for cotton in the Tennessee Valley and Black Belt region.