Does auditorium use the Latin root meaning to hear?

-aud-, root. -aud- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “hear. ” This meaning is found in such words as: audible, audience, audio, audit, audition, auditorium, inaudible.

What is the word auditorium?

Definition of auditorium 1 : the part of a public building where an audience sits. 2 : a room, hall, or building used for public gatherings.

Is auditorium A American word?

auditorium in American English a building or hall for speeches, concerts, etc.

How do you spell auditorium in Spanish?

auditorio in Spanish is “AUDITORIUM”.

What is the Greek root of auditorium?

auditorium (n.) “of or for hearing,” from auditus, past participle of audire “to hear” (from PIE root *au- “to perceive”); also see -ory.

Where does the word auditorium come from?

Etymology. The term is taken from Latin (from audītōrium, from audītōrius (“pertaining to hearing”)); the concept is taken from the Greek auditorium, which had a series of semi-circular seating shelves in the theatre, divided by broad ‘belts’, called diazomata, with eleven rows of seats between each.

Which word uses the Latin root meaning to hear?

The word auditory is based on the Latin word audire, meaning to hear. If you have an auditory processing disorder, you may have trouble discerning conversation in a noisy room, or hear a ringing sound at all times.

Which Word uses the Latin root meaning to hear?

What’s the meaning of Calo?

/ kəˈloʊ; Spanish kɑˈlɔ / PHONETIC RESPELLING. noun. a variety of Spanish influenced by Mexican underworld argot with a large admixture of English words, spoken especially by Mexican Americans in cities of the southwestern United States.

What does Calo mean in slang?

Caló (also known as Pachuco) is an argot or slang of Mexican Spanish that originated during the first half of the 20th century in the Southwestern United States. It is the product of zoot-suit pachuco culture that developed in the 1930s and ’40s in cities along the US/Mexico border.

Where does the word audience originate from?

From Old French audience, borrowed from Latin audientia, from present participle audiens (“hearing”), from verb audio (“I hear”).