What was the population of London in the 1700s?

Greater London, Inner London & Outer London Population & Density History

Inner London (Former London County)
1600 200,000
1650 350,000-400,000
1700 575,000-600,000
1750 650,000

What was the population of London in 1800?

1 million
Its population expanded from 1 million in 1800 to 6.7 million a century later. During this period, London became a global political, financial, and trading capital.

What was the population of London in 1780?

In 1780, London held some 750,000 men, women and children in a compass of just a few square miles. By 1900 it was home to more than 5 million people – 9 million if you include the greater metropolitan area – and had extended its reach to almost 200 square miles.

What was the population of Britain in 1790?

1790 Population estimated to be 8 million. 1801 The first census of the population of England and Wales was carried out on March 10th by a house-to-house enquiry together with returns of baptisms and burials between 1700 and 1800, and marriages between 1754 and 1800 as supplied by the clergy.

How big was London 1750?

In 1750 the London topographer John Noorthouck reckoned that London proper consisted of 46 former villages, two cities (Westminster and the City of London proper), and one borough (Southwark). Westminster had a population of 162,077, the City 116,755, and Southwark 61,169.

When was London the biggest city in the world?

London was the world’s largest city from about 1831 to 1925, with a population density of 325 per hectare. London’s overcrowded conditions led to cholera epidemics, claiming 14,000 lives in 1848, and 6,000 in 1866.

What was London like in 1700s?

Cities were dirty, noisy, and overcrowded. London had about 600,000 people around 1700 and almost a million residents in 1800. The rich, only a tiny minority of the population, lived luxuriously in lavish, elegant mansions and country houses, which they furnished with comfortable, upholstered furniture.

What was England’s population in 1776?

8,000,000 people
In 1775 the British had an estimated 8,000,000 people; 2,350,000 of these could be considered the military manpower of the nation. However, the standard calculation for the eighteenth century is that one-tenth of the total population constituted the potential arms-bearing population.

What was the largest city in 1700?

Ayutthaya: The world’s largest city in 1700 AD.