What is Pitta Kapha?

Being a pitta-kapha type means that two doshas are predominant in your prakriti, or constitution, and these will likely be in a dynamic dance depending on the seasons, your lifestyle habits, and any external influences. It is usually best to manage a dual dosha prakriti according to the season.

What is Avalambaka Kapha?

Avalambaka means support and dependence. Avalambaka kapha is ‘that which supports’ or ‘that on which the functions of the heart and lungs and other subtypes of kapha depends’.

What are Subdoshas?

The five subdoshas of vata are prana vayu, samana vayu, vyana vayu, udana vayu, and apana vayu. These five sub-entities are all a part of vata as a governing principle in the body, but their delineation allows us to understand vata’s directional flow and functions in a more minute way.

What is Sadhaka Pitta?

Sadhaka Pitta is the caretaker of the heart. In Ayurveda, the heart is considered the home of consciousness, thus intimately connecting the heart and mind. The Charaka Samhita says this: hridaye chetana sthanam, the seat of consciousness is in the heart.

How many types of Kapha are there?

Five types
Kapha is an indicator of strength and represents the binding energy that holds our physical self together. Based on its specialized function, Kapha Dosha is further sub-divided into Avalambaka Kapha, Kledaka Kapha, Tarpaka Kapha, Bodhaka Kapha, and Sleshaka Kapha.

What are the symptoms of Kapha dosha?

Kapha is one of the doshas that governs the structure of the body….Signs that point towards increase of kapha in the body include:

  • Heaviness.
  • Lethargy.
  • Laziness.
  • Excessive sleep.
  • Constipation.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Nausea.
  • Excess salivation.

What are the Subdoshas of Pitta?

Understanding the 5 Subdoshas of Pitta

  • Sadhaka Pitta. Sadhaka Pitta governs the brain and heart and is associated with the digestion of emotions, life experiences, and stress, according to Gyawali.
  • Alochaka Pitta.
  • Bhrajaka Pitta.
  • Ranjaka Pitta.
  • Pachaka Pitta.

Which organ is related to Pitta?

The main organs of pitta are the small intestine, liver and duodenum, while kapha (earth) is related to the structure of the body – 7 bodily tissues, bones and muscles. Most of the disorders in the body are caused by vitiated vatta, which is the only mobile dosha.

What is Prana Vata?

Prana vata is located in the head area and flows inward from outside to inside. It controls inhalation, consumption, perception and the receival of knowledge. It is complementary to udana vata, which is responsible for movement from inside to outside and controls exhalation and elimination.

How do I get rid of Kafa?

Hot/Warm beverages:

  1. Boil 4-5 cups of water in a pan.
  2. Add ½ inch of ginger and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Take the pan off the heat and steep 1-2 herbal flavoured tea bag in it.
  4. Remove the tea bag after a while and store the tea in a tea pot.
  5. Drink it through the day as part of your everyday kapha diet.