How can I check if I have a warrant in Tarrant County?

You can call the warrant division at 817-884-1289 or visit them in person at 200 Taylor St, 6th floor, Fort Worth, Texas 76102.

How do I find out if I have active warrants in Texas?

Perhaps the easiest way to check for warrants is via an online search, and visiting a website such as By clicking on “warrants” and choosing Texas, you can search either the entire state or by county.

What is a pre warrant notice?

Pre-Warrant (Citizen) Applications The law requires the Court to schedule a hearing based upon the application for a criminal warrant and notify the person whose arrest is sought of the forthcoming scheduled hearing. This is conducted prior to the issuance of any criminal warrant by the Magistrate Judge.

How do I look up court cases in Tarrant County?

You will need to select the court location, and then click on either Criminal Case Records or Case Records Search. You may search for your case using the court’s full case number (JP05-17-SC0000xxxx) or the party name.

How do you find out if you have a blue warrant in Texas?

One way to know if you have a warrant in Texas is to go to the website Choose warrants then choose Texas. Here you can search the entire state of Texas or you can search by county.

How long do you sit in jail for a capias warrant in Texas?

For an original charge of a Class A misdemeanor, up to one year in jail. For a felony charge, a Third-Degree Felony punishment of two to ten years in a state prison.

How can I look up a case number in Texas?

Typically, most Texas court cases can be accessed by contacting the office of the record custodian in the court where the case was filed. Contact details for Texas courts can be obtained via this directory. Several Texas courts also provide members of the public with online access to court records and information.