What is pile in offshore?

Offshore piles have been commonly used as a foundation element of offshore structures, especially large structures such as Tension Leg Platforms (TLP). To perform an appropriate design of an offshore pile, the stress distribution within such a large structure becomes a dominating factor and must be considered.

What is jacket in offshore structures?

A Jacket structure is a welded tubular space frame consisting of vertical or battered legs supported by a lateral bracing system. The function of the jacket is to support the topside facilities, provide supports for conductors, risers, and other appurtenances, and serve as a template for the foundation system.

What is a jacket pile gripper?

The Jacket Pile Gripper has an extensive track record in the Offshore wind and Offshore Oil & Gas market. It is mostly used to secure the jackets from the outside, but can also be used to secure jackets from the inside (internally in skirt sleeve or bucket arrangement) with the Inside-out Jacket Pile Gripper.

What is jacket in rig?

Jacket refers in the oil and gas exploration and production to the steel frame supporting the deck and the topsides in a fixed offshore platform.

What is marine piling?

Marine sheet piling This refers to a wall of interlocking steel sheets that prevent river and canal banks from collapsing into the water. Sheet piling in water helps to secure the integrity of the banks, and can be a long-term solution that lasts for upwards of 20 years.

How is sea piling done?

Pile driven methods over water include: Pile driving over water using pile frame cantilevered from permanent piles. Pile driving over water from temporary false work trestle. Floating pile driving plant.

What is a jacket foundation?

jacket foundation means a lattice type structure constructed of steel and additional equipment such as, J-tubes, corrosion protection systems and access platforms attached to the sea bed by means of either a suction bucket or piles”

What is topsides in oil and gas?

Topside refers to parts of an offshore drilling platform that are above the waterline. The topsides often include the drilling rig, living accommodations, and processing facilities. One of the most common types of the offshore rig is known as a jack-up.

What is jacket and topside?

During the exploratory phase of an offshore oil rig’s life, the topside is often a bare structure sitting atop a submerged tower known as a jacket. A drill is fed to the seafloor through the jacket to determine if the drilling site will produce sufficient oil or gas to move forward with further drilling operations.

What is jacket fabrication?

One jacket fabrication sequence (practiced by many yards) for four-legged structures is to fabricate all legs on temporary supports on the ground. They are placed with distances exactly equal to their distance at each jacket elevation. Braces and horizontal members for the outermost legs are welded.

What are marine piles made of?

Marine piling is made from recycled HDPE and fiberglass strands and rods. The material is perfect for heavy-duty applications such as those in the marine industry. Here are some features of HDPE that make it perfect for foundation piling. These properties make HDPE, or plastics, the best option for foundation piling.

What is a marine piling?

Dock pilings are an essential component of any dock, pier, or similar structure. They’re used to stabilize the structure and provide a foundation for the water to flow over. You can find piles in many different sizes depending on your needs, but they are typically made of wood, concrete, steel, or fiberglass.