How do I enable data source in SoapUI?

1. Create DataSource

  1. Now add a DataSource TestStep and select the Grid DataSource from the dropdown in the toolbar, which is a DataSource for managing your test data from inside SoapUI without requiring any external storage.
  2. Now you need to define which data your DataSource should hold.

What is get method in SoapUI?

GET. The HTTP GET method is used to read or retrieve a representation of a resource. In successful response, GET returns a representation in XML or JSON and an HTTP response code of 200 (OK). In an error case, it most often returns a 404 (NOT FOUND) or 400 (BAD REQUEST).

How does SoapUI send form data?

Choose multipart/form-data from the Media Type drop down. Now, click on Attachments tab at the bottom of the request editor (see below). Click on + icon at the top left corner of the attachment window to browse and attach a file to request. Browse for a file in your local file system and add it as an attachment.

How do I add a data source to ReadyAPI?

You can make ReadyAPI generate the parameter value automatically.

  1. Create a data source. In the request editor, click the Generate Values button: Click the image to enlarge it.
  2. Test the data source. To test your data source, you can use the data log: Open the Data Log panel.


SOAP also defines a binding to the HTTP protocol. When binding to HTTP, all SOAP requests are sent through HTTP POST.

Can get call have request body?

Yes. In other words, any HTTP request message is allowed to contain a message body, and thus must parse messages with that in mind. Server semantics for GET, however, are restricted such that a body, if any, has no semantic meaning to the request.

What kinds of data sources are supported by SoapUI?


  • JDBC Connections.
  • DataSinks.
  • DataGen TestStep.
  • What is data source in ReadyAPI?

    The Data Source test step allows you to read data from different data storages (Excel sheets, databases, text files, and so on), or generate them during the test run, and then provide them to other test steps as properties of the Data Source test step.