Where is Motor-Runner in Vault 3?
Where is Motor-Runner in Vault 3?
throne room
The leader of the Fiends in the Vault, Motor-Runner, can be found in his throne room in the northern part of the maintenance wing along with his two guard dogs, BoneGnash and GhashBone.
Where is the NCR guy in Vault 3?
Bryce Anders is an injured Ranger scout inside of Vault 3. He can be found by entering the living quarters, making the first left, and proceeding directly ahead through the door to find a dead Fiend, along with some booby traps at the foot of some stairs leading to the recreational wing.
Where is the vault 3 overseers office?
Get through the door in the south-eastern corner of the prison room, ascend the stairs beyond and make your way to the Overseer’s office to the south. Loot the room to find some ammo on a bookshelf and a Hunting Rifle on the floor, then turn your attention to the “Overseer’s Terminal” [Hard] behind the desk.
Can you kill Motor-Runner after Aba Daba Honeymoon?
Motor-Runner is a critical NPC for the quest Aba Daba Honeymoon, and thus it will fail immediately if he is killed.
Where can I find great Khan armor?
A set of this armor can be found on the dead Khans at the tribal village.
Why is Bryce Anders not in Vault 3?
Background. Sent by James Hsu to kill Motor-Runner, leader of the Fiends, Bryce Anders infiltrated Vault 3 with his orders, but was discovered and sustained severe injuries making him incapable of completing his assignment on his own in his current condition.
Can you save Anders in Fallout New Vegas?
Once he has been found, the next step in the mission is to either untie or kill him. Killing him does not automatically fail the quest but causes loss of the reward. If Anders survives, he will rejoin Jack and Diane at the Red Rock drug lab.
Was Vault 3 a control vault?
Nestled within the South Vegas ruins, Vault 3 was one of the seventeen control Vaults, resulting in it not having an experiment. All was going well in the Vault well until a water leak occurred sometime in the 23rd century, forcing the residents to open the Vault to find help.
Where is the fiend boss in Vault 3?
Located initially near Daniel in Vault 3’s living quarters, she patrols the general interior of Vault 3 near the cell containing the gang’s hostages.
How do I get rid of Motor-Runner’s helmet?
Motor-Runner’s Helmet will sometimes remain in the Courier’s inventory even after the associated quest is completed. It is a quest item: it cannot be dropped, placed into a container, or given to a companion. Simple console commands can remove this item from the Courier’s inventory.
How do I claim Motor-Runner bounty?
If you kill Motor-Runner before starting this quest, Anders may appear at the vault entrance (in the Wasteland) and will begin walking back to Camp McCarran. This may also occur if the player takes Motor-Runner’s helmet to claim the bounty and leaves him alive.