What are all the bonuses in Mario Party?

Here are all of the Bonus Stars in Mario Party Superstars.

  • Bowser Space Bonus – Awarded to who landed on the Bowser Space the most times.
  • Eventful Bonus – Awarded to who landed on the most Event Spaces in the game.
  • Item Bonus – Whoever used the most items in the game.

What are the bonus stars in Mario Party 8?

Bonus Stars are Stars that are given out at the end of a Battle Royal in each mainstream Mario Party game. They are last-minute bonuses given to players (or teams) who’ve excelled in a particular field of gameplay during the game itself.

What are the bonus stars in Mario Party 7?

The three Bonus Stars are randomly awarded for six of the following achievements:

  • Minigame Star: Most coins earned in minigames.
  • Action Star: Most Green Spaces landed on.
  • Orb Star: Most Orbs used.
  • Shopping Star: Most coins used to buy Orbs.
  • Red Star: Most Red Spaces landed on.

How does the buddy bonus work in Super Mario Party?

Buddy StarEdit This Bonus Star is given to the player who has collected a randomly selected buddy. The game determines the “lucky” buddy when determining which Bonus Stars will appear for the game. This Star is similar to the “Lucky Ally Bonus” seen in Mario Party: Star Rush.

Can you unlock more boards in Mario Party Superstars?

Unfortunately there are no unlockable boards in Mario Party Superstars.

What is the slowpoke bonus in Mario Party?

Slowpoke Bonus – In opposition to Sightseer, this one is awarded to whoever traveled the least in the match. Unlucky Bonus – Granted to the player who landed on the most amount of Red Spaces.

Are there any secrets in Mario Party Superstars?

By playing through Mario Party Superstars, players can unlock new features in the Option House to change the way the game plays. Notably, by playing on each game board at least once, players will can unlock alternate classic versions of the background music that plays on each board.