How do I free up space on my Sims?

What Can I Do To Free Some Space On Sims 4?

  1. Move (not copy) Saves, Tray, Mods, Screenshots, and Custom Music folders and the Options.
  2. Delete the rest of the The Sims 4 folder from your Documents > Electronic Arts folder.
  3. Start the game, and exit the game.
  4. Copy all the folders and the file back and start the game again.

How do you get rid of spaces in Sims 4?

Clearing The Sims 4 Cache

  1. Delete the localthumbscache. package file in this directory.
  2. Go inside the cache folder and delete all files that end in . cache, but do not delete the actual directory.
  3. Go back, then to the cachestr folder.
  4. The onlinethumbnailcache folder is safe to delete IF it is present.

How do I increase lot space in Sims 4?

You can’t make a lot bigger. The size is given. To place bigger houses you need to put them on bigger lots.

How do you cheat community space?

Change Community Space – Shift + Click on the Public Voting Board at the Community Space and select the ‘Instant Enact Community Space Project (Cheat).

How do I free up space without deleting?

First of all, we would like to share two easy and quick ways to free up Android space without removing any applications.

  1. Clear the cache. A large number of Android apps use the stored or cached data to ensure a better user experience.
  2. Store your photos online.

How do you get more storage?

Buy storage via the Google One app

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, make sure you’re signed into your Google account.
  2. From the Play Store, download the Google One app.
  3. In the Google One app, at the bottom, tap Upgrade.
  4. Choose your new storage limit.
  5. Review the new plan pricing and payment date, then tap Continue.

What is Localthumbcache?

The localthumbcache is a package file in your /Sims 4 folder. They’re automatically created by the game if one isn’t present. It’s purpose is the same as any other cache; to be a section of memory in which a program can store information and data so that it can access it quickly.

Where is Localthumbcache Sims 4?

To do so, open your Documents folder (or a folder where your The Sims 4 Save Game folder is), Electronic Arts > The Sims 4. There’ you’ll find a folder called ”cache” and a file named localthumbcache.

How do you get a 50×50 lot in Sims 4?

You go to the map and find a 50×50 lot. This will make the lot become empty. Then you go to the gallery/your library and place that lot you tried to place on the 50×40 lot before. EDIT: Actually, through build mode you should even be able to place a 50×50 on a 50×40 lot.

What is the biggest lot in The Sims 4?

SimGuruSarah confirmed that 50×50 is the biggest lot size you can plop/build on in The Sims 4! The biggest lots are 50×50.

How do you get the green world in Sims 4?

Wind turbines, solar panels, and dew collectors all allow you to generate green energy that can be consumed or sold to the utility company. Just make sure you keep your power generating devices in good shape.