What are the goals of content based instruction?

The goal of CBI is to prepare students to acquire the language while using the context of any subject matter so that students learn the language by using it within that specific context. Rather than learning a language out of context, it is learned within the context of a specific academic subject.

What is a content learning objective?

A content objective is a description of an observable student behavior or performance that is used to make a judgment about student learning. It is a statement of what students will be able to do at the end of the lesson.

What is content and learning outcomes?

1. Student learning achievements in understanding and applying the course content as observed through scores on exams, paper assignments, and discussion.

What are content objectives examples?

The content objective tells what students will learn during the lesson. Example: “Today you will learn about the causes of the American Revolution.” The language objective tells how the students will learn and/or demonstrate their mastery of the lesson by reading, speaking, writing, or listening.

What are the teacher role in Content-Based Instruction?

Teachers in content-based programs may be content specialists who use the target language for instruction, or language specialists who are using content for language instruction. To be effective in their roles, they will need the knowledge, skills and concepts required for content delivery in a second/foreign language.

What is a content based lesson plan?

What is content-based instruction? The focus of a CBI lesson is on the topic or subject matter. During the lesson students are focused on learning about something. This could be anything that interests them from a serious science subject to their favourite pop star or even a topical news story or film.

What are some examples of learning objectives?

An example of a learning objective with a criterion is: Be able to list the bones in the ear, spelling them correctly. Bloom’s Taxonomy is a helpful tool in developing instructional objectives. It divides cognitive objectives into several categories of increasing complexity.

What is the difference between content objectives and learning outcomes?

A learning outcome describes the overall purpose or goal from participation in an educational activity. Courses should be planned with a measurable learning outcome in mind. Objectives are used to organize specific topics or individual learning activities to achieve the overall learning outcome.

What’s the difference between a content objective and a language objective?

Content Objectives or Learning Targets represent what English learner students are learning in relation to state standards. (Analogy: It’s the meat of the lesson.) Language Objectives or Success Criteria represent how English Learner students demonstrate mastery/understanding of the concept.