What are the brown patches on my scalp?

Brown spots on the scalp are usually due to sun exposure. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause the skin to develop hyperpigmented spots in sun-exposed areas, such as the scalp, arms, and hands.

Why are there brown scabs on my scalp?

Dry scalp: Dry scalp is the most common cause of scabs on the scalp, often due to excessive hair washing, high mineral content in water, very hot water showers, harsh shampoos, and high heat treatments. Oily scalp: If your scalp is too oily, it can cause irritation and lead to scratching and scabbing.

What are the little black specks on my scalp?

The black dots are due to remnant of the upper part of the hair root, which remains adherent to the hair-follicle ostium. Hair powder, also known as hair dust, on the other hand, is caused by complete destruction of the hair shaft, leaving a ‘sprinkled hair residue’ [1].

How do I get rid of brown spots on my head?


  1. Medications. Applying prescription bleaching creams (hydroquinone) alone or with retinoids (tretinoin) and a mild steroid might gradually fade the spots over several months.
  2. Laser and intense pulsed light.
  3. Freezing (cryotherapy).
  4. Dermabrasion.
  5. Microdermabrasion.
  6. Chemical peel.

What causes crusty spots on scalp?

Seborrheic (seb-o-REE-ik) dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects your scalp. It causes scaly patches, red skin and stubborn dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect oily areas of the body, such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest.

What is scalp Malassezia?

Malassezia (Pityrosporum) Folliculitis. Pityrosporum (Malassezia) folliculitis happens when yeast that occurs as part of your skin’s natural flora multiplies and infects the hair follicles. The condition causes itchy pimples to form on your face, scalp and upper body.

What does tinea capitis look like?

Ringworm of the scalp or beard oftenlooks like round, bald patches. Most often, the infection spreads outward whilethe inside of the circle clears up. This makes the infection look like a ring.

Are black specks in hair lice?

Look for black specks on the pillow or collar, these are louse faeces.