Can beer be shipped FedEx?

As an individual, you may not ship alcohol, including wine, beer, liquor, or champagne, through the FedEx network. If you’d like to send alcohol as a gift to a friend or family member, you’ll need to have it shipped from the licensed retailer or winery you purchased it from.

Can I FedEx beer to a friend?

The short and direct answer would be “No” unless you have the proper license and paperwork to do it. Shipping any alcoholic beverage is against the policies of most shipping companies—all kind of liquid products on glass bottles; it is considered dangerous for shipping.

Can I ship alcohol through FedEx?

Only FedEx-approved, licensed businesses may ship alcohol. Your type of business, to whom you are shipping, and the destination of the shipment determine whether FedEx can accept your alcohol shipment.

Can you ship beer through UPS or FedEx?

While USPS does not allow you to send alcoholic beverages through the mail, you can send alcohol via courier services such as FedEx and UPS if you’re a licensed alcohol transporter.

Can I ship a bottle of alcohol to a friend?

The United States Postal Service (USPS) prohibits sending alcoholic beverages through the mail, but you can ship alcohol via couriers, such as FedEx or UPS if you’re a licensed alcohol shipper.

How can I send beer as a gift?

You can wrap your bottles and cans in bubble wrap, tape the bubble wrap together, then put your bubble-wrapped beer in a zip lock bag. Once you’ve got your beer packed up, then you can put the beer in your corrugated cardboard box. Add some padding to make sure your beers don’t shift around, and tape up your box.

Can you ship cans of beer?

You can wrap your bottles and cans in bubble wrap, tape the bubble wrap together, then put your bubble-wrapped beer in a zip lock bag. Once you’ve got your beer packed up, then you can put the beer in your corrugated cardboard box.

Can you mail beer UPS?

UPS only accepts packages containing beer from shippers who are licensed under applicable law and who have been approved for and entered into a contract with UPS for the transportation of beer.