What is TMC in DTS?

As you’re probably aware, your Travel Management Company (TMC)* charges your travelers a fee for securing their travel reservations. As a rule of thumb, DTS automatically records TMC fees on the voucher along with the cost of the traveler’s ticketed transportation.

How do I contact CTO?

USA: 1-866-576-4635.

How much is the TMC fee in DTS?

Travel Management Center Fees. $13.50 Transportation tickets. There is no additional fee when reservations for rental car and/or hotel is made at the same time as the transportation.

How do I contact DTS TMC?

If not known call DTS help desk at 1-888-435-7146.

Is TMC A Sato?

The contracted TMC for the Coast Guard is CWTSato. Information on CWTSato, their online tools, and providing customer feedback are available by clicking on CWTSato.

What is TMC Air Force?

Travel Management Company Support If travel has commenced and the itinerary needs modification, the traveler should contact his/her TMC.

What is CTO travel?

As you’re probably aware, your Commercial Travel Office (CTO) charges your travelers a fee for securing their travel reservations. As a rule of thumb, CTO fees are automatically entered into DTS with the ticket cost.

What is CTO do?

The chief technology officer (CTO) is the individual within an organization who oversees the current technology and creates relevant policy. A CTO should have the business knowledge necessary to align technology-related decisions with the organization’s goals.

What is the difference between IBA and CBA?

Centrally Billed Accounts (CBA): CBAs are GSA SmartPay accounts where payment is made directly to the bank by the Government. Individually Billed Accounts (IBA): IBAs are GSA SmartPay accounts where payment is made directly to the bank by the individual.

What does CTO booked mean on DTS?

The CTO SUBMIT status indicates that DTS submitted the traveler’s reservation requests to the Travel Management Company (which DTS sometimes calls “CTOs”) for booking.

How long does it take for DTS to pay you?

three business days
One of the best features of DTS is its timeliness in reimbursing travelers for official travel. As a rule of thumb, DTS (in conjunction with your organization’s official accounting system) repays travelers within three business days of the Authorizing Official (AO) approving the traveler’s voucher*.

How do I get DTS at home?

Before you can access DTS, you’ll need to ensure your web browser is fully compatible, obtain a digital PKI certificate and contact your Defense Travel Administrator (DTA) about setting up an account. There are online tools available to help you learn more about DTS.