How close do you plant boxwoods to make a hedge?

Place the plants 2 feet apart. Those dwarf varieties that should be 2 to 3 feet apart for a grouping or row of individual plants should be squeezed to more like 15 or 18 inches apart for a low hedge. Use a tape measure and string or spray paint to mark the line of your hedge.

What month should I plant boxwoods?

When to Plant Boxwoods. Shrub planting is best done in spring or summer so that it can get well established before winter. Spring is best because while a new planting is becoming acclimated to its new environment, extreme weather conditions like heat or drought can cause undue stress.

How do you plant a new boxwood hedge?


  1. Mark the Hedgerow Line​ Extend a tape measure along the ground in the desired location for the boxwood hedge.
  2. Remove the Sod. Using a shovel, form a shallow trench around 2 feet wide below the guide string.
  3. Measure the Root Ball.
  4. Dig the Holes.
  5. Tease the Roots.
  6. Plant the Shrubs.
  7. Mulch the Plants.

How long does a boxwood hedge take to grow?

Overall, boxwood has a very slow growth rate that’s typically 6 inches or less per year. Boxwoods can be broken down into growth rates of slow, medium and fast — although keep in mind that even the fast growth rate of boxwood varieties is quite slow in comparison to other landscape shrubs.

What is the lifespan of a boxwood?

Common Boxwood Lifespan: 20-30 Years.

How do you prepare soil for boxwoods?

Boxwood plants tolerate a variety of soils, whether acidic or alkaline, rich or infertile. The one essential soil requirement for a healthy boxwood is good drainage – these plants do not tolerate wet feet! Amend soils with organic matter or plant on a berm to improve drainage.

Which boxwood is best for a hedge?

Best Boxwoods As Border Hedges

  • Buxus microphylla japonica ‘Gregem’
  • Buxus sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’
  • Buxus x ‘Green Mountain’
  • Buxus x ‘Green Velvet’
  • Buxus sempervirens ‘Aureo-variegata’
  • Buxus microphylla japonica ‘Winter Gem’
  • Buxus microphylla ‘Wintergreen’

How long does it take for boxwood to grow?

What is the best boxwood for a hedge?

Is Miracle Gro good for boxwoods?

Miracle-Gro Tree & Shrub Plant Food Spikes In addition, the spikes help to deliver nutrients directly to plant roots. Gardeners who use these plant food spikes will find that their boxwoods are full, rich in color, and have strong root systems.