What is A1 pulley of finger?

A1 pulley is one of the palmar plate annular pulleys in the pulley system of a typical flexor tendon of the finger.

Does each finger have an A1 pulley?

There are five flexor tendon pulleys in the fingers that are named A1-A5, and consists of annular ligament pulleys, and cruciate pulleys i.e. The flexor tendon pulley system. The thumb only has two pulleys that are described as A1 and A2. Flexor pulley system consists of the following: Palmar Aponeurosis Pulley.

Is the A1 pulley in the joint?

The A1 pulley overlies the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints; it is released during surgery for TF (see the image below) The A2 pulley overlies the proximal end of the proximal phalanx. The C1 pulley overlies the middle of the proximal phalanx. The A3 pulley lies over the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint.

How long does a finger pulley take to heal?

6-8 weeks is the recommended time to return to FULL climbing activities, but again you’ll work your way up to that. Immobilization is necessary this time to protect the injured tissue, and 10 days is indicated.

Do pulley injuries heal?

If there is bowstringing of the tendons, then more careful management of the injury needs to occur. This does not always mean surgery is necessary, but there are specialized splints and therapy techniques that can allow the pulleys to heal properly.

How is a finger pulley injury diagnosed?

The most common signs of finger pulley injuries include:

  1. Pain on the palm side of finger and tenderness with pressure.
  2. Swelling of the finger.
  3. Difficulty forming a fist.
  4. Hearing a “pop” at the time of the injury2.

How do you release A1 pulley?

Surgery: Surgery to correct Trigger Finger is called an A1 pulley release. This involves a small incision in the palm to access and release the A1 pulley. The A1 pulley is cut, allowing the flexor tendons to move through the pulley/tendon sheath without getting stuck.

What does an A1 pulley injury feel like?

The most common signs of finger pulley injuries include: Pain on the palm side of finger and tenderness with pressure. Swelling of the finger. Difficulty forming a fist.

How do you heal A1 pulley?

Grade 1: Pulley sprain No need for immobilization. Begin gentle range-of-motion exercises—bend the finger until it feels tight, hold for 2–3 seconds, relax, and repeat 10 times for several sessions each day. Now perform the same exercise, only straighten the finger. Avoid pushing through pain.

How long does it take for trigger finger surgery to heal?

Your doctor will take out your stitches 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. It will probably take about 6 weeks for your finger to heal completely. After it heals, your finger may move easily without pain.