How often does tableau refresh live connection?

Other data sources in production

Schedule name Day/time of refresh
15 Minute Refresh 7 days/week, every 15 minutes starting at midnight
30 Minute Refresh 7 days/week, every 30 minutes starting at midnight
Every hour at 10 minutes till 7 days/week, every hour from 12:50am to 11:50pm

How do I schedule a tableau refresh on a server?

Select the check box for the workbook or data source you want to refresh, and then select Actions > Refresh Extracts. In the Refresh Extracts dialog, select Schedule a Refresh, and complete the following steps: Select the schedule you want. If available, specify whether you want a full or incremental refresh.

How do I refresh a Tableau Server Key?

Click Configuration and Licensing and click Refresh All:

  1. Open a command prompt as administrator on the initial node (the node where TSM is installed).
  2. Run the following command: tsm licenses refresh.

Which is better extract or live connection?

Extracts tend to be much faster than live connections, especially in more complex visualizations with large data sets, filters, calculations, etc.

How do I stop Tableau data refresh?

To turn off updates for worksheets, click the Pause Auto Updates button on the toolbar. You can also toggle automatic updates on and off by pressing F10 (Option-Command-0 on a Mac) on your keyboard.

Why is my tableau extract not refreshing?

If you don’t use the UNC path then the extract on the server will not be refreshed and data in any connected workbooks will not be updated. You also have to replace the data source in the workbook with the extract on the server to allow the workbook to be updated by an extract created on TS.

What is difference between Tableau Server and Tableau online?

Tableau online and server are two versions of Tableau software products. The difference between Tableau Online and Tableau Server is that Tableau Online is similar to Tableau Server hosted on a cloud platform while Tableau Server is a central repository for users, data sources and visualizations.

What happens when Tableau Server license expires?

Subscription Licenses When your subscription expires, your access to Tableau will be suspended after the subscription expiration date. To resubscribe at a later date, please contact your Customer Renewal Manager or Account Manager.

How do I activate my Tableau Server Key?

Sign in to Tableau Services Manager Web UI. The account you use must have administrative privileges on the computer where TSM is installed. On the Activate page, Enter or paste your product key and click Activate Product Key.