RRDtool works with special time stamps coming from the UNIX world. This time stamp is the number of seconds that passed since January 1st 1970 UTC. The time stamp value is translated into local time and it will therefore look different for different time zones.

What is RRDTool in Linux?

RRDtool (round-robin database tool) aims to handle time series data such as network bandwidth, temperatures or CPU load. The data is stored in a circular buffer based database, thus the system storage footprint remains constant over time.

What is Rrdcached?

rrdcached is a daemon that receives updates to existing RRD files, accumulates them and, if enough have been received or a defined time has passed, writes the updates to the RRD file. A flush command may be used to force writing of values to disk, so that graphing facilities and similar can work with up-to-date data.

What is Rrd in cacti?

CACTI is a network monitoring/graphing application. Cacti is built around the RRDTool, which is an open source high performance data logging and graphing system. CACTI will be used to monitor information such as Network Traffic, CPU Utilization, Memory, and Temperature.

How do I install Rrdtool?

Install RRDTool on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  1. Installing RRDTool on RHEL.
  2. Step # 1: Install required dependencies.
  3. Step # 2: Download latest rrdtool tar ball.
  4. Step #3: Compile and install rrdtool.

How do I read an RRD file?

To read a single RRA archive from an RRD file, use read_rra() . To use this function, you must specify several arguments that define the specific data to retrieve. This includes the consolidation function (e.g., “AVERAGE” ) and time step (e.g., 60 ).

What are Rrd files used for?

GIS file created by geospatial processing programs such as ERDAS IMAGINE and ArcGIS Desktop; stores a reduced dataset from an original raster image using pyramid layers, which speed up the display of raster maps; often used for saving discrete zoom levels on a map.

How do I start Rrdcached?

Using rrdcached

  1. apt -q install rrdcached.
  2. # /etc/default file for RRD cache daemon # Full path to daemon DAEMON=/usr/bin/rrdcached # Optional override flush interval, in seconds.
  4. chown -R observium.observium /var/lib/rrdcached.
  5. service rrdcached restart.

How do I read a RRD file?

How do I upgrade my cactus?

Chapter 4. Upgrading Cacti

  1. Backup the old Cacti database.
  2. Backup the old Cacti directory.
  3. Extract the distribution tarball.
  4. Rename the new Cacti directory to match the old one.
  5. Edit include/config.
  6. Copy the *.
  7. Copy any relevant custom scripts from the old Cacti directory.

What is cacti monitoring tool?

Cacti is an open-source, web-based network monitoring and graphing tool designed as a front-end application for the open-source, industry-standard data logging tool RRDtool. Cacti allows a user to poll services at predetermined intervals and graph the resulting data.

How do I install RRDTool on Windows?

Download and install the following pieces of software:

  1. (optional) Apache and install it to c:\apache or c:\apache2.
  2. Cacti and extract it to the root of your web server directory.
  3. Cactid and extract it to c:\cactid.
  4. RRDTool and extract it to c:\rrdtool.
  5. PHP 4.3.
  6. MySQL 4.
  7. (optional) Cygwin.