How does NetBackup deduplication work?

About NetBackup media server deduplication With media server deduplication, the NetBackup client software creates the image of backed up files as for a normal backup. The client sends the backup image to a media server, which hosts the plug-in that duplicates the backup data.

What is the utility used for data deduplication in NetBackup?

The spadb command line utility that lets you use the NetBackup Deduplication Manager (spad) to set WORM for an LSU and define the WORM mode and the interval for making the image immutable and indelible. The Deduplication Manager reads the WORM mode from the /etc/lockdown-mode. conf file file.

How do you check deduplication in NetBackup?

  1. In the NetBackup Administration Console, click Activity Monitor.
  2. Click the Jobs tab. The Deduplication Rate column shows the rate for each job. Not all columns appear by default. Click View > Column Layout to show or hide columns.

How does NetBackup work with VMware?

NetBackup utilizes a primary server, and optionally media servers and clients, to back up and restore virtual machines hosted on VMware vSAN datastores. NetBackup communicates with VMware vCenter Server to provide virtual machine backups and restores using VMware Storage APIs (VADP).

What is NetBackup PureDisk?

Product Description

NetBackup PureDisk is the deduplication engine for NetBackup, enabling efficient, storage-optimized data protection for the data center, remote office and virtual environments.

How does MSDP work in NetBackup?

The MSDP storage server does the following: Receives the backups from clients and then deduplicates the data. Receives the deduplicated data from clients or from other media servers. You can configure NetBackup clients and other NetBackup media servers to deduplicate data also.

What is deduplication rate in NetBackup?

The deduplication rate is between 50% and 100%. The deduplication rate is the percentage of data already stored so it is not stored again. The amount of data that is stored is between 30% to 90% of the capacity of the storage.

How do I create a MSDP pool in NetBackup?

Creating a Media Server Deduplication Pool (MSDP) for primary backup using NetBackup

  1. Log on to the NetBackup master server from the Java console.
  2. Select Media Server Deduplication Pool.
  3. Enter the user name, password, and other required details.
  4. Enter the storage path for MSDP.

How do I set up NetBackup Cloud Catalyst?


  1. Create storage server: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server my-azure -stype PureDisk_azure_rawd -media_server nbumedia -st 9.
  2. Add Azure credentials:
  3. Retrieve the default configuration values, update them for the media server nbumedia, and then commit the configuration.

Which NetBackup components host the data to be backed up?

NetBackup can use media servers as backup hosts and as discovery hosts. Media servers acting as backup or discovery hosts can provide the following advantages: Host redundancy: If one media server goes down, another media server takes over.

How do I create a PureDisk in NetBackup?

  1. In the NetBackup Administration Console, select either NetBackup Management or Media and Device Management.
  2. In the right pane, click Configure Disk Storage Servers.
  3. On the Welcome panel, select PureDisk Deduplication Pool.
  4. On the Add Storage Server panel, select or enter the appropriate information.

How do I reclaim deduplication storage space manually?


  1. Expire all NetBackup images backed up to the PDDO storage pool.
  2. Check the Dedupe Storage queue folder.
  3. Run CR queue processing.
  4. Monitor processing progress by checking the storage log.
  5. Run PDDO data removal and wait for 5 minutes (or you can check the job run status in the PD GUI)
  6. Run Garbage collection.