How do I pass the Maersk PLI exam?

3 Essential Maersk PLI Test Tips

  1. Answer What You Know and guess what you don’t: With only 12 minutes to finish the test you have to practice working under pressure.
  2. Try to get previous experience of the test questions and environment:
  3. Make sure to do the test in your mother tongue:

What types of questions are asked on a predictive index test?

A 6-10 minute survey that asks you to choose adjectives that describe your personality. While it’s not a test you can prepare via training, you should follow best practices and know how it works and what it measures. A 12-minute, 50 question test that measures mental ability.

How do you prepare for a PI test?

Tips for the Predictive Index Test

  1. Avoid distractions: If you’re preparing for the Predictive Index Test, it’s important to find a location to practice where you won’t be disturbed by family, pets, or others.
  2. Take proper care of yourself: A good night’s rest can have a big impact on your performance.

What is a good score on the PLI assessment?

The newly branded PLI test, known as the PI cognitive assessment, has introduced a new scale score which will be presented to you as part of the score report. the scale is 100-450 and the new average score is now 250, which is equivalent to a raw score of ~20/50.

How do I prepare for a Maersk interview?

Other hints and tips If you don’t understand a question, you can always ask us to repeat or rephrase it. Remember, you can ask us questions as well. Always come prepared with a few questions so you can find out more about Maersk and the job. Some interviews involve tasks or challenges to be completed on the day.

What is Maersk PLI test?

The Maersk PLI test, or Predictive Index Learning Indicator, is a cognitive test that assesses aptitude in three specific areas: verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning. Questions will not be separated according to a category; rather, all three categories of questions will be intermixed.

Can you fail a predictive index test?

For instance, at The Predictive Index (PI) we recommend that our clients use assessments as one factor alongside their credentials, interview(s), and references when making hiring decisions. Simply put, there really is no “pass” or “fail.”

Can you fail a PI cognitive test?

Will I be penalized for wrong answers? No, you won’t. The PI cognitive assessment only looks at the amount of correct answers.

Can you fail the predictive index?