What do the numbers on blacklist mean?

The Blacklist is a list of phone numbers that you do not want to receive calls from. To block a call, add a phone number to the list. Contacts added to the blacklist will not be able to contact you anymore. You can add numbers to the blacklist via the contacts on your phone or manually.

Who is number 1 on The Blacklist?

Elizabeth Keen
Members Chart

Number on The Blacklist Name Number Revealed
Number 1 Elizabeth Keen “Elizabeth Keen”
Number 2 TBA 1 “TBA 3”
Number 3 Tatiana Petrova “Katarina Rostova” ”Katarina Rostova: Conclusion“
Number 4 Kathryn Nemec “Mr. Kaplan” “Mr. Kaplan: Conclusion”

Is there a list of The Blacklist?

According to a list in “The Blacklist (Comic)”, the list contains 161 names. This is later shown as 192 names. According to a behind the scenes special for season 4, there will be 200 blacklisters. The Blacklist is not numbered by importance or threat level.

What number is Reddington on The Blacklist?

number 4
Raymond “Red” Reddington is a former government agent, presumed to be a member of the United States Navy, and number 4 on the FBI’s Most Wanted List.

What is n13 blacklist?

N-13 is not a what but a who. In Episode 2, fans learn that the N stands for the word neopoznanny, which is the Russian word for unidentified. The 13 signifies the 13 packets of intel that the operative stole from Lubyanka Square in 1990.

How can I open a blacklist number?

Unblock a number

  1. Open your Phone app .
  2. Tap More .
  3. Tap Settings. Blocked numbers.
  4. Next to the number you want to unblock, tap Clear. Unblock.

Who are the top 10 on The Blacklist?

The Blacklist: 10 Main Characters’ Arc, Ranked Worst To Best

  1. 1 Elizabeth Keen. Raymond Reddington walked into the FBI Building to meet Elizabeth.
  2. 2 Mr. Kaplan.
  3. 3 Katarina Rostova.
  4. 4 Tom Keen.
  5. 5 Raymond Reddington.
  6. 6 Dembe Zuma.
  7. 7 Aram Mojtabai.
  8. 8 Donald Ressler.

Who is N 13?

What is the FBI blacklist?

The Blacklist is an American crime thriller television series that premiered on NBC on September 23, 2013. The show follows Raymond “Red” Reddington (James Spader), a former U.S. Navy officer turned high-profile criminal who voluntarily surrenders to the FBI after eluding capture for decades.

Why is Kate called Mr Kaplan?

A: It is a reference to a Cary Grant movie, “North by Northwest”, in which the character’s name is George Kaplan. A: It could be an alias. Anyone expecting a Mr. Kaplan, as Liz did, would probably overlook a woman in her mid fifties.

Is Red Reddington N13?

Spoiler Alert In the penultimate episode, after revealing that he is N-13, the elusive spy that Liz (Megan Boone) had been searching for all these years, Red brings her to the headquarters of his operation in Latvia. There, he helps tell the story of her past and provides clarity regarding their connection.

Is Elizabeth Keen m13?

As someone above has already mentioned: Elizabeth Keen is 13 letters and ends with n. N-13. She doesn`t know that (she was a child then), but Red knows and now Townsend too. The only thing is, N-13 in Russian is written H-13.