What is mojonnier method?

Mojonnier method Is a gravimetric method that uses organic solvents to extract fat. Subsequently the solvent is evaporated and the fat is determined by weighing the dry fatty extract.

What is the principle of Soxhlet apparatus?

Principle of Soxhlet Extraction Soxhlet extractor extracts the components using the condensed vapors of the solvent. The condensed vapors come in contact with the sample powder and the soluble part in the powder gets mixed with the solvent.

What apparatus is used in the analysis of fat and oil?

Mojonnier flask extraction
The crude fat analysis is performed using a Mojonnier flask extraction. Crude fat measurements are typically used during product development to track changes in products and/or macronutrient profiles, or for quality control purposes when fat is added as part of a process.

What are the 3 methods of extraction?

The three most common types of extractions are: liquid/liquid, liquid/solid, and acid/base (also known as a chemically active extraction). The coffee and tea examples are both of the liquid/solid type in which a compound (caffeine) is isolated from a solid mixture by using a liquid extraction solvent (water).

What is the use of butyrometer?

Butyrometer is a measuring instrument used to measure fat content in milk or milk products in general. The method used in the determination is Gerber’s method as invented by Swiss chemist Niklaus Gerber.

Which machine is used for fat determination of milk?

The fat content is read directly via a special calibrated butyrometer. The theory behind using 10.75 ml milk in the pipette is as follows: Gerber butyrometer is graduated on 0-10 scale and calibrated in such a way that each 1% division represents 0.125 ml of fat.

What is grease spot test?

Grease spot test is one of the tests for lipid identification. The working principle is that most lipid or grease are non-volatile due to their high boiling point. In room temperature, the water spot will disappear because water can absorb enough heat from the surrounding air and evaporated.

What is the principle of extraction?

The principle behind solvent extraction is extremely basic. The goal is to use a liquid (solvent) to dissolve (solvate) a target molecule or group of compounds (solute) and to wash them out of the solid plant material. The solvent is then separated from the solute in order to concentrate the solute.