What is the best way to exfoliate your face?

To exfoliate your face mechanically with a scrub, apply gently to the skin with a finger. Rub in small, circular motions. Rinse with lukewarm water. For a chemical exfoliant that’s a liquid, apply with a cotton pad or washcloth.

What household items can I use to exfoliate my face?

Forms of exfoliants

  1. Washcloth. Using a washcloth is a good option for those with more sensitive skin. Take an ordinary washcloth and moisten with warm water, then use this to rub the skin gently in small circles.
  2. Natural sponge. A natural sponge can work well to get rid of dead skin cells on the face.
  3. Face scrub.

What is the best thing to use to exfoliate your skin?

Scrubs help to improve the texture of your skin by exfoliating away dead skills and reducing ingrown hairs. Oh, and they are generally safe for all skin types. Cerpa recommends using a soft, oil-based scrub made with sugar, oats or coffee up to three times per week.

Should I exfoliate my face everyday?

Once or twice a week is great, but everyday exfoliation is even better. Clinique Derm Pro Dr. Michelle Henry gives us her top five reasons to exfoliate daily. Once or twice a week is great, but everyday exfoliation is even better.

How can I exfoliate my face without scrubs?

So, here are some other alternatives.

  1. Honey. Honey is one among those natural ingredients that can help to remove dead cells from the skin.
  2. Exfoliating gloves. This time give your gloves a try!
  3. Sponge. Sponge also works as a great exfoliant.
  4. Body peels.
  5. Exfoliating body lotion.
  6. Dry brushing.
  7. Rolling exfoliators.

How do you make your own exfoliator?


  1. 1: In a bowl, mix together 1 cup coconut oil and 2 cups granulated sugar. Mix until a grainy paste forms.
  2. 2: Add 40-50 drops of your choice of essential oil.
  3. 3: Optional: Add 1 drop of food coloring to give it a little color.
  4. 4: Scoop contents into a Mason jar.

Do sugar scrubs work?

Sugar is one of the best natural beauty ingredients to exfoliate your skin. Sugar scrubs are mild and help remove dead skin. They also help rejuvenate the skin by cleaning all the dirt from the skin pores. With all the dead skin and dirt removed, the new skin is more radiant and you have a healthier glow.

Is sugar and coconut oil good for your face?

Benefits of Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub. Coconut oil and sugar are good for exfoliating not only your face but also the rest of your body. However, if you have oily and acne-prone skin, avoid using coconut oil on your face. It can block your skin pores and aggravate your acne or cause breakouts.