How much does a FGM-148 Javelin cost?

FGM-148 Javelin
Designed June 1989
Manufacturer Raytheon & Lockheed Martin
Unit cost US$216,717 (G-model missile only, FY2021) US$240,000 (missile only, export cost, FY2019) US$249,700 (Lightweight CLU only, FY2021)
Produced 1996–present

How much does a FGM-148 Javelin weigh?

6.4 kg
The Javelin uses an optical lens and launcher called the Command Launch Unit (CLU). The CLU weighs 6.4 kg and uses passive infrared guidance to fix and track targets. The day sight is equipped with 4x magnification and the infrared-imaging night sight features 4x and 9x magnification.

Can a Javelin missile hit a tank?

Hundreds of burnt-out hulks can be seen across Ukraine, the end result of the Javelin missile. The missile was designed to explode over the top of a tank’s armor, like the lightly armored top of the Russian Armata. This tank is armored with 500 centimeters of plate on its sides and front.

How many Javelin missiles does Ukraine have?

We’ve provided, as you say, over 5,500 Javelins to Ukraine. The United States have been producing about 600 or 800 a year. So you can do the math and figure out how long it would take to replace those missiles. Now we can ramp up production.

Can a tank crew survive a Javelin?

The NLAW and Javelin missiles are designed to hit a tank from above in a “top attack” – striking at the top of the tank’s turret where the armour is thinnest. This will either completely destroy the tank, or incapacitate the crew inside.

How much does it cost to fire a Javelin?

Also, Javelin launchers and missiles are expensive. In 2002, a single Javelin command launch unit cost $126,000, and each missile cost around $78,000 (equivalent to $102,000 in 2022). This is reinforced by the US Army’s Fiscal Year 2018 unit cost for the Javelin weapon system, which put the unit cost at $206,705.

Can a tank crew survive a Javelin strike?

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD)’s spokesperson, Igor Konashenkov, during a briefing on March 2 said that a Russian tank crew led by Senior Lieutenant Starostin was attacked by the American Javelin ATGM, received a shell shock, but still was able to operate and destroyed two Ukrainian tanks.

Can a Javelin take down a jet?

The Javelin, with its fire-and-forget capabilities, is capable of being used to shoot down slow and low flying aircraft by design.