Does H2S react with NaOH?

In the scrubbing process, sodium hydroxide reacts with H2S dissolved in aqueous solution to form sodium bisulfide (NaHS) and sodium sulfide (Na2S). The extent of reactions 1 and 2 are dependent upon the amount of NaOH that is available relative to the amount of H2S that is scrubbed into the solution.

What is the name of the acid formed when hydrogen sulfide is dissolved in water?

hydrosulfuric acid
hydrogen sulfide, chemical compound, H2S, a colorless, extremely poisonous gas that has a very disagreeable odor, much like that of rotten eggs. It is slightly soluble in water and is soluble in carbon disulfide. Dissolved in water, it forms a very weak dibasic acid that is sometimes called hydrosulfuric acid.

How does H2S dissolve in water?

Because hydrogen sulfide combines easily with water, damage to stock tanks below water levels can be severe. Water with hydrogen sulfide alone does not cause disease. However, hydrogen sulfide forms a weak acid when dissolved in water. Therefore, it is a source of hydrogen ions and is corrosive.

How do you neutralize H2S gas?

When dealing with a hydrogen sulfide gas leak, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recommends using water to spray down the gas, then adding sodium bicarbonate to neutralize it.

What does H2S react with?

Hydrogen sulfide reacts with metal ions to form metal sulfides, which are insoluble, often dark colored solids. Lead(II) acetate paper is used to detect hydrogen sulfide because it readily converts to lead(II) sulfide, which is black.

What happens when H2S dissolves in water?

Which gas is emitted when hydrogen sulfide is burned?

sulfur dioxide
If ignited, the gas burns to pro- duce toxic vapors and gases, such as sulfur dioxide. Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, extremely hazardous gas with a “rot- ten egg” smell.

What kind of chemical reactions can be generated with H2S?

In general, hydrogen sulfide acts as a reducing agent, although in the presence of a base, it can act as an acid by donating a proton and forming SH−. At high temperatures or in the presence of catalysts, sulfur dioxide reacts with hydrogen sulfide to form elemental sulfur and water.

How much H2S can dissolve in water?

The solubility of hydrogen sulfide in water decreases from 6.87 g/100 ml to 1.23 g/100 ml at 100°C.

Can you neutralize H2S?