Are English cream golden retrievers good pets?

English cream golden retrievers are playful, loyal, and attentive. Although they get along well with older children and are good family dogs, it’s not wise to leave any golden retriever alone with small children, especially if they are too young to understand canine boundaries.

Is an English cream golden retriever rare?

These light dogs are sometimes being presented to the general public as being exceptionally rare or extremely valuable and are often called ‘English Cream Golden Retrievers’ or ‘Rare White European Golden Retrievers’ or ‘Exquisite Platinum Imported Golden Retrievers’.

How much does an English cream retriever cost?

around $3,000 to $5,000
Due to their rarity, this breed is very expensive to adopt. You can usually only find them at breeders, where they’re going to cost you around $3,000 to $5,000, not including any extras. Some breeders will charge you for training, though it isn’t always optional.

What is an English cream golden retriever?

The platinum retriever, also known as the English cream golden retriever and rare white European retriever, is a pale-coated variety of golden retriever. What is this? While some breeders advertise platinum retrievers as a rare breed, these dogs are the same breed as regular American goldens.

Are English Golden Retrievers bigger?

English golden retrievers are known for being shorter and stockier, while American golden retrievers are known for being slightly taller and lankier. English goldens typically have blockier heads, with ears that sit a little lower than the American goldens.

Are English Cream Golden Retrievers healthier?

According to recent studies, English Creams are healthier and live longer than their American cousins – but it has nothing to do with the color of the dog – it is all about genetics. The long time popularity of Golden Retrievers in the US led to many dogs being bred in puppy mills.

Is a male or female Golden Retriever better?

female Golden Retrievers: Male Golden Retrievers are bigger, mature slower, and are goofier, more playful, and more affectionate. Female Golden Retrievers are smaller, more independent, smarter, and more protective. There are several other common differences between the two, which you’ll learn in this article.

How big do English Cream Golden Retrievers get?

#18: English Cream Golden Retrievers Are Medium-Large Dogs Males are usually between 22-24 inches tall at the withers (top of their shoulders) and weight 65-75 pounds. Females are usually 20-22 inches tall and weigh 55-70 pounds.

What is the difference between English cream and golden retriever?

Like their American cousins, English Golden Retrievers are equally as friendly and loyal. One of the major differences between them is their color. English Golden Retrievers are a lighter color, usually a cream color. Their coat is also a bit shorter and wavier when compared to the American Golden Retrievers.

How do you pick an English cream Golden Retriever?

Their ears are level with their eyes, compared to the American Goldens whose ears are set higher and further back. The most noticeable difference in the English Cream Golden Retriever’s appearance (other than his white coat) is that his topline is level. His topline is the line between his neck and his tail.