How can you tell if your cat is diabetic?

Early Signs of Diabetes in Cats

  1. Excessive Urination & Thirst. Your cat may be suffering from Type I or Type II diabetes if they are urinating frequently.
  2. Increased Weight Loss & Appetite.
  3. Inability to Jump & Loss of Interest.
  4. Change in Gait.
  5. Lack of Appetite, Vomiting, Lethargy.

What triggers diabetes in cats?

The most important risk factors identified for the development of diabetes in cats include obesity, increasing age, physical inactivity, male gender, and the use of glucocorticoids (steroids) to treat other illnesses such as feline asthma.

How long do cats with diabetes live?

Cats who are treated effectively for diabetes can live for very prolonged periods after diagnosis. Average length of life after diagnosis is variable dependent on which study is examined, however, average lifespans of up to around three years are reported in some studies.

Are diabetic cats in pain?

In cats, a common cause of neuropathic pain is diabetes mellitus. The result is a weakness in the hind legs which comes from damage to the nerves caused by constant high levels of sugar in the blood. Pain may accompany the weakness, with tingling and numbness in the limbs.

How much does it cost to test a cat for diabetes?

By the time a vet has checked 6 to 8 blood glucose samples and hospitalized a pet for the day, it could end up costing up to $200 for a glucose curve. A client can purchase a glucose meter and 50 test strips for about the cost of one glucose curve in a hospital setting.

Why is my cat crying for food all the time?

Cats are creatures of habit, so will expect their food to be served at the same time every day. They may cry and stare at you until their food bowl is filled, then wolf it down. Don’t worry – they’re hungry, not starving.

Do cats with diabetes smell?

If feline diabetes is left untreated, you’ll start seeing more symptoms, including impaired movement of back legs, vomiting, and breath that smells fruity or like nail polish remover.