How do you defeat Augustine in InFAMOUS 2?

Boss Battle: Defeat Augustine Firstly you need to destroy the small rocks orbiting Augustine. Hit her with the Cinder Missile when she pauses her attacks. once they disappear, follow up with Smoke Shot. Be quick or the orbiting rocks will reappear.

How do you beat He who dwells in second son?

You can fire on him using Laser Focus and Phosphor Beam but he won’t be able to hit you. Once you’ve reduced his health down the platforms will collapse the fight will move over to the other side of the lava. Use video beams to move around and top up on Neon when you need it. Keep up this strategy until he’s down.

How do you beat the last boss in InFAMOUS?

Jump, use your Concrete Thrusters and then use Boulder Dash to put some distance between the two of you. Hit her with every offensive weapon you have until her health depletes to nothing and she’s defeated. Congratulations! Not only have you won the final boss battle with Augustine, you’ve beaten inFAMOUS: Second Son.

What is the last mission in InFamous second son?

MISSION 21 As this is the last mission in the game it’s worth exploring Seattle one last time for any Blast Shards you may have missed. Don’t upgrade with them just yet though, wait until you earn a new power a little later on. You’ll need around 15-20 Blast Shards to make the final boss fight a lot easier.

Is Kessler Cole MacGrath?

Kessler is the main antagonist of Infamous. His name was an alias used by Cole MacGrath when he returned to his past to save his former self from a desolate future.

How is delsin Rowe a conduit?

After living what could be considered a normal life as a graffiti artist and a local delinquent of the Akomish Reservation, Delsin discovered that he is a Conduit after grabbing a Department of Unified Protection (or D.U.P. for short) captive named Hank in order to save his brother Reggie.