Do you have to wear a mask at the Knoxville Zoo?

Effective July 1, 2020, masks or cloth face coverings will be required for ages 12 and up to enter Zoo Knoxville to comply with the Emergency Executive Order No. 19 issued by City of Knoxville Mayor Indya Kincannon.

Can you bring food into Zoo Knoxville?

You can bring in outside food. Only things not allowed are lids, straws, and glass bottles. However, there are several eateries inside the zoo.

How long does it take to go thru the Knoxville Zoo?

About 2 to 3 hours
About 2 to 3 hours. A lot depends on how long you stay at each exhibit. There are also camel rides, children’s play ground, and a petting zoo that can take some time as well. It’s a great zoo so have fun.

Do teachers get in free at the Knoxville Zoo?

Yes, with a valid ID. over a year ago. Jul 27, 2016 · The Knoxville Zoo always gives teachers FREE admission with a Valid I.D. One per teacher per visit.

Did Knoxville zoo ever have polar bears?

A marine animal center, we had polar bears and people still ask about them, but they were in really horrible conditions like a concrete pit,” said New. New has been with the zoo since the 1990s.

Can you conceal carry in Knoxville zoo?

Firearms are not permitted on zoo grounds.

How much does it cost to walk at the Knoxville zoo?

You should plan on at least 2 hours.

What is Boo at the Zoo Knoxville?

A special night exclusively for Zoo Knoxville members. Zoo Knoxville members get a $1 discount on tickets. Character nights are subject to change. Check out the tasty Halloween refreshments for kids and adults on our menu.

Do you have to pay to park at Knoxville Zoo?

Parking. Parking is available in the zoo’s upper and lower lots. Parking is $5. Zoo Knoxville members park for free.

How many animals are at Knoxville Zoo?

800Zoo Knoxville / Number of animals
Zoo Knoxville, formerly known as the Knoxville Zoo or Knoxville Zoological Gardens, is a 53-acre (21 ha) zoo located just east of downtown Knoxville, Tennessee, United States, near exit 392 off Interstate 40. The zoo is home to about 800 animals and welcomes over 400,000 visitors each year.

Are dogs allowed at the Knoxville Zoo?

Helpful? service animals with papers only. not allowed to bring in just a pet.

How much does it cost to get into the Knoxville Zoo?

Admission Rates Adults $19.95, seniors (65+) $16.95, children (2-12) $16.95, children under 2 admitted free. Parking is $5 per vehicle.