How tall is a Camarasaurus?
How tall is a Camarasaurus?
15-25 feet
Description: Although Camarasaurus is considered a “smaller” sauropod dinosaur, it was still between 50-65 feet (15-20 meters) long, 15-25 feet (4.5-7.5 meters) tall, and may have weighed up to 20 tons (18,143 kilograms)! It had a small, square-shaped head and short round snout.
How tall was the average sauropod?
The smaller sauropods reached a length of up to 15 metres (50 feet), while larger species such as Apatosaurus routinely reached lengths of 21 metres. Brachiosaurus was one of the largest and most massive of all known dinosaurs, reaching a length of 30 metres and a weight of 80 metric tons.
How old is the Camarasaurus?
161 million to 146 million years ago
Camarasaurus, (genus Camarasaurus), a group of dinosaurs that lived during the Late Jurassic Period (161 million to 146 million years ago), fossils of which are found in western North America; they are among the most commonly found of all sauropod remains.
How big is a Camarasaurus?
25 – 66 ft.Camarasaurus / Length
How heavy is a Camarasaurus?
44,000 lbsCamarasaurus / Mass
What was the biggest sauropod?
Dreadnoughtus. Dreadnoughtus, the largest dinosaur whose size can be calculated reliably. A very complete fossil of this sauropod was unearthed in 2009. In life Dreadnoughtus was 26 metres (85 feet) long and weighed about 65 tons.
What does Camarasaurus name mean?
chambered lizard
The name means “chambered lizard”, referring to the hollow chambers, known as pleurocoels, in its cervical vertebrae (Greek καμαρα (kamara) meaning “vaulted chamber”, or anything with an arched cover, and σαυρος (sauros) meaning “lizard”.
When did the Camarasaurus go extinct?
Paleontologists say that these sauropods lived around 155-145 million years ago. Now it can be assumed that they went extinct after that by the end of the Jurassic period.
What did Camarasaurus eat?
DIET AND TEETH Camarasaurus was an herbivore (it ate only plants). It must have eaten a tremendous amount of plant material each day to sustain itself. It swallowed leaves whole, without chewing them, and may have swallowed gastroliths (gizzard stones) to help digest tough plant fibers, like fern leaves and conifers .
What is bigger than Argentinosaurus?
Bruhathkayosaurus, a dinosaur that may have been as big or even bigger than Argentinosaurus, was only known from limb, hip, and tail elements, and those fossils disappeared (much like the near-mythical dinosaur giant Amphicoelias, estimated to be 190 feet long from a long-lost piece of vertebra).
Is Patagotitan bigger than Argentinosaurus?
Paul listed Patagotitan at 31 m (102 ft) in length and 50–55 tonnes (49–54 long tons; 55–61 short tons) in weight using volumetric models, making it smaller than Argentinosaurus which was estimated at 35 m (115 ft) or more in length and 65–75 tonnes (64–74 long tons; 72–83 short tons) in weight.