What does proselytization mean?

Definition of proselytize intransitive verb. 1 : to induce someone to convert to one’s faith. 2 : to recruit someone to join one’s party, institution, or cause. transitive verb. : to recruit or convert especially to a new faith, institution, or cause.

What is an example of proselytizing?

Proselytize definition Proselytize is to preach your religion or beliefs especially to convert others, or to promote a certain course of action. An example of proselytize is when you explain Christian theology to try to convince your Agnostic friend to join the Christian faith.

Is proselytizing a sin?

Proselytization reduces persons to things that must be conquered. In other words, proselytization is sin.

What is the synonym of proselytizing?

verbchange belief, especially regarding religion. actuate. alter conviction. assimilate to. baptize.

Is proselytizing illegal?

“Proselytizing is legal in the country and missionaries of all religious groups are allowed to proselytize all citizens; however, a 1977 law prohibits any person from offering material benefits as an inducement to conversion.

Is the word proselytize in the Bible?

The name proselyte occurs in the New Testament only in Matthew and Acts.

Why do Christians proselytize so much?

We proselytize because we deeply believe what we are sharing is important enough to expend our energy and enthusiasm. For Christians, they share because they truly believe the founder of the faith told them to, and that his message changes people. And some people – even atheists – appreciate our efforts.

What was a proselyte in the Bible?

The biblical term “proselyte” is an anglicization of the Koine Greek term προσήλυτος (proselytos), as used in the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) for “stranger”, i.e. a “newcomer to Israel”; a “sojourner in the land”, and in the Greek New Testament for a first-century convert to Judaism, generally from Ancient Greek …

What is the opposite of proselytizing?

Opposite of to change another’s belief, especially regarding religion. deconvert. dehort. dissuade.

How do you use proselytize in a sentence?

Proselytize sentence example

  1. The preacher sent out his congregation to proselytize to the community.
  2. Do you have an argument strong enough to proselytize someone to believe you?
  3. It was originally so used of converts to Judaism, but any one who sets out to convert others to his own opinions is said to ” proselytize .”

How do you pronounce proselyte in the Bible?

  1. Phonetic spelling of proselyte. pros-e-lyte. pros-uh-lahyt. pros-elyte.
  2. Meanings for proselyte. a new convert; especially a gentile converted to Judaism.
  3. Examples of in a sentence.
  4. Translations of proselyte. German : missionieren. Korean : 개종 Russian : прозелит Portuguese : prosélito. Italian : prosélito. Show more Translation.