How do you resolve hogging threads in WebLogic?

Take thread dumps instantly. Open thread dumps in visualVM. Analyze dashboard from WebLogic console (managed server > monitoring > threads). Open thread dump files in “WLSDM Menu > Monitoring & Diagnostics > Profiling Dumps”.

Why WebLogic threads are hogging?

Hogging thread in WebLogic are potential candidates for stuck threads or threads that “might” get stuck. These threads will be declared “stuck” after StuckThreadMaxTimeout seconds which defaults to 600 secs.

How many threads can WebLogic handle?

By default, WebLogic Server sets Threads Maximum to 400.

How do I monitor stuck threads in WebLogic?

Now click on the server name from your list, then go to Monitoring -> Threads. The Hogging Thread Count column shows how many threads seems stuck. The Pending User Request Count column shows the number of requests not delivered to the users. If it is different than 0 your users are impacted.

How can increase stuck thread time in WebLogic?

Under Change Center, click Lock & Edit. Under Domain Structure, click Environment > Servers and, in the right pane, click the managed server name. On the Configuration tab, click on the Tuning tab. In the Stuck Thread Max Time box, type 1200 and then click Save.

How do I find the thread pool size in WebLogic?

Weblogic Thread Pool Configuration

  1. Open Weblogic console.
  2. go to MS -> Server start -> take the session.
  3. Add below values in start up arguments. -Dweblogic.threadpool.MinPoolSize=100.
  4. Restart the server.
  5. Same steps needs to be repeated for rest of the MS in the weblogic domain.

How do I speed up my WebLogic server?

Log in to your WL Web Admin Console and go to Environment/Servers/[your server]/Configuration/Server Start and, on the “Arguments”, setting something like -Xms256m -Xmx256m will set your JVM’s initial (Xms) and maximum (Xmx) heap size to 256 megabytes.

How do I view threads in WebLogic?

Monitor the full list of all Java threads under Weblogic control….Thread states – detailed view

  1. Refresh the page every 3-5 seconds.
  2. In between the refresh actions, identify the threads that are still executing the same request (slow running threads).
  3. Continue until you are done with your monitoring activity.

How do I find the thread pool size in Weblogic?

Where are JVM parameters set in Weblogic?

Custom arguments to set in Weblogic JVM

  1. In the Domain Structure pane, expand the Servers node.
  2. Click the name of the server that you want to configure.
  3. In the right pane, click Server Start.
  4. Select Lock & Edit.
  5. In the Arguments text box, provide the JVM options.
  6. Restart the server so that the new settings are used.

How do I increase the thread pool size in WebLogic?

What is thread pool in WebLogic?

The thread pool allocates threads to process the requests of service servers and client servers. The default value of the selfTuningThreadPoolSizeMax MBean attribute is 400. Depending on the provider and consumer requests, you can increase the pool size to a maximum of 65534.