What is Moliere famous for?
What is Molière famous for?
Molière, original name Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, (baptized January 15, 1622, Paris, France—died February 17, 1673, Paris), French actor and playwright, the greatest of all writers of French comedy.
Which of these is a famous play by Molière?
Tartuffe by Molière. Tartuffe (full title: Tartuffe, or the Impostor, French: Tartuffe, ou l’Imposteur) is a comedy by Molière. It is his most famous play.
Who is funny Molière?
Born Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, Molière was the French playwright’s stage name. In addition to writing plays, he also wrote poems and was a performer himself. He lived and worked in Paris during the second half of the 17th century, and is widely considered one of the greatest French writers of all time.
What was the title of the last play in which Molière performed?
Le Malade imaginaire (The Imaginary Invalid), about a hypochondriac who fears death and doctors, was performed in 1673 and was Molière’s last work.
What type of invalid was the title of one of Molière’s plays?
Le Malade imaginaire (The Imaginary Invalid) was Molière’s final play, first performed in February 1673 in Paris. A satire of the medical profession and a comedy-ballet, or a comedy combined with song and dance, the play contains a good deal of farce and was written to amuse King Louis XIV.
Why is Molière called Molière?
Chooses career in theater He had met a young actress, Madeleine Béjart, with whom he was to be associated until her death in 1672. Since the theater life was not considered very respectable, he assumed the name “Molière” in order to spare embarrassment to his family.
Why is The Imaginary Invalid a comedy?
The Imaginary Invalid is a comedy both in the classical sense of the word (a story with a happy ending) and in the sense that it is meant to be humorous. Seventeenth-century audiences found the play quite humorous.
What did Molière do for comedy?
Molière created a new kind of comedy. In his plays, the comic is based on a double vision that holds together opposing ideas, such as wisdom and folly or right and wrong. He was controversial during his day, but he is now viewed as an icon of French culture.
What words are used in Molière’s plays?
Many words or phrases used in Molière’s plays are still used in current French: A tartuffe is a hypocrite, especially a hypocrite displaying affected morality or religious piety. A harpagon, named after the main character of The Miser, is an obsessively greedy and cheap man.
Is Molière a controversial person?
He was controversial during his day, but he is now viewed as an icon of French culture. How did Molière die? Molière suffered repeated illness in the final years of his life.
Was Molière a literary lion or a subject?
Ever attentive to furthering his status as a preeminent man of letters in Europe, Molière walked the fine line between his role as a literary lion and his status as a (distinguished) subject of the king.