What does MLEM stand for?

In the internet slang of DoggoLingo, mlem is the sound a dog (or other animal) makes when they stick out their tongue to lick something, especially their own nose or chops.

What is MLEM and BLEP?

An Imgur blog post from 2015 makes a clear separation between “mlem” and another tongue-centric word, “blep.” “Mlem” is a conscious act of licking, while a “blep” — a tongue protruding from an animal’s mouth — just kind of happens.

What is a cat MLEM?

To others, though, mlem is a word to describe a dog’s or cat’s tongue sticking way out, like when they’re drinking water or licking their nose.

What is MELM?

Noun. melm m (plural melmen, diminutive melmpje n ) dry earth, dry or sandy soil.

What is a BLEM in slang?

Blem is a slang word that can mean “cigarette,” “marijuana,” “a joint,” or just being really, really “high.”

What is the meaning of MELM?

Why is it called a BLEP?

Blepping is a term that refers to the act of leaving the tongue, usually the tip, outside the mouth unconsciously. Usually it is used in reference to cats, but other animals can blep too. Even if you’ve never heard the word blep, if you have pets, you are probably aware of this behavior.

What does MLEP mean?


Acronym Definition
MLEP Minnesota Logger Education Program
MLEP Manned Lunar Exploration Program

Is a BLEM a spliff?

It was a slang term for Cigarette in London. 2/2 of that cig in the spliff. The blem is the cig-Jamaican meaning.

What is a bleam?

(jargon) To transmit or send data.

Why do dogs have MLEM?

Dogs often lick to clean themselves or to show affection, but a mlem is more of an uncontrollable licking of the nose and mouth area that can get pretty slobbery. In scientific terms, it’s called mouth-licking.