When did Mercury retrograde shadow end?

The pre-retrograde shadow will begin on August 22, and the post-retrograde shadow ends on October 16. December 29 to January 18, 2023 in Capricorn. The pre-retrograde shadow will begin on December 12, and the post-retrograde shadow ends on February 23, 2023.

What happens in Mercury retrograde shadow period?

Messy and wonky things happen during the retrograde shadow period, thanks to the fact that Mercury is feeling more like a trickster than ever. Communication isn’t clear, travel delays are imminent, bad luck is aplenty and drama escalates to a feverish high out of nowhere.

Does Mercury retrograde have a shadow period?

What Is the Mercury Retrograde Shadow Period? Occurring approximately two weeks before and after Mercury retrograde, the shadow periods mark an especially confusing time, filled with some of the same mishaps and malfunctions you’d expect out of Mercury’s periodic rewind.

What is the shadow before Mercury retrograde?

The first occurs when Mercury initially crosses a degree in the sky during a period known as its pre-retrograde shadow. The second happens when Mercury is retrograde and reverses back over this degree, which is when mistakes may be reviewed and corrected.

How long is retrograde shadow?

The Mercury retrograde shadow happens about two weeks before and two weeks after the planet’s backspin. Before and after a planet is retrograde, it goes through a period called “stationing,” where it’s adjusting to the U-turn. We may feel its effects ramping up or winding down…

What does Mercury retrograde post shadow mean?

Mercury’s backspin has a fairly bad rep as its retrograde is associated with chaos in communication, technology, and travel. It’s that time when you have huge disagreements; when your laptop decides to give up the ghost; when your ex slides into your DMs; when your flights, trains, planes are delayed.

How long is the shadow of Mercury retrograde?

The Mercury shadow period takes place two weeks before and two weeks after the actual retrograde. If you’re feeling a bit off before the planet actually starts to move backwards, now you know why! Overall, pre-Mercury retrograde, the planet slows down; post-Mercury retrograde, it speeds up.

What is Post-shadow Mercury retrograde?

Are we in a shadow period?

The last Mercury Retrograde of the year is in Libra, the shadow will last from September 6 to November 2, During this time relationships are up for review, and a radical shift could take place. Yes, 2021 will be a wild ride, and this time you can absolutely blame Mercury Retrograde.

What’s the shadow period?

The shadow period is the time span before and after Mercury Retrograde. If you’ve ever felt as though your luck was running dry, yet a retrograde had not begun, it may be because of the shadow period. Feeling crappy even though the planet is no longer in a backspin? Yep, that’s post retrograde shadow period too.