Where are the Mycenaeans located?
Where are the Mycenaeans located?
Peloponnese, Greece
Contents. Mycenae is an ancient city located on a small hill between two larger hills on the fertile Argolid Plain in Peloponnese, Greece. The Bronze-age acropolis, or citadel built on a hill, is one of the great cities of the Mycenaean civilization that played a vital role in classical Greek culture.
Where did the Mycenaeans build their palaces?
The palace at Tiryns, which was located nearby Mycenae, somewhere near Argos, which was south of Mycenae, was similar to the palace at Mycenae but could be entered through a large ramp called the Great Ramp. There were different levels of the citadel which were connected by the Great Propylon.
What was the largest city of Mycenaeans?
The largest city (although not a capital city in any sense) was Mycenae, built on an impressive citadel and hill over 278 metres (912 ft.) above sea level where there are remains of large ‘palace’ buildings and hundreds of tombs and shaft graves, including nine large stone tholos tombs (1600-1300 BCE).
Why is the location of the Mycenaean citadel so important?
It was prime location for trade between the Middle East, Italy and the entire Mediterranean. Why is the location of the Mycenaean Citadel so important? There were three main Greek Bronze Age cultures. One named after a chain of islands in the Aegean Sea.
Where did the Mycenaeans originally come from?
The Mycenaean civilization (c. 1700 to 1050 BC) originated in mainland Greece eventually controlling the nearby islands, including Crete. Their Linear B script represented an early form of Greek. Despite this rich archaeological and textual history, the origins of the Minoans have long puzzled researchers.
What were the Mycenaean palaces?
Palaces. Mycenaean palaces have been unearthed at Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Gla, and Phylakopi (Cyclades). The palace at Pylos is a typical mainland palace of the Heroic Age as described in the poetry of Homer.
Where is the home of Agamemnon?
In Greek mythology, Agamemnon was the king of Mycenae or Argos (different names of the same region), son of King Atreus and Queen Aerope.
Where was the city of Mycenae located Why was this city important?
Mycenae was a fortified late Bronze Age city located between two hills on the Argolid plain of the Peloponnese, Greece. The acropolis today dates from between the 14th and 13th century BCE when the Mycenaean civilization was at its peak of power, influence and artistic expression.