How do I get an eligibility statement in Nigeria?

Apply In-Person: Visit the 8th floor of the Ministry and approach the relevant authority for evaluating or equating your Foreign Qualifications. Ask them for the prescribed format to apply for the Eligibility Letter.

How do I become a federal government teacher in Nigeria?

you are required to have got an NCE certificate from a government-approved institution. Also, not later than 2013 and must also specialise in either English Studies, Mathematics, Science, Vocational Studies, Computer Science, Special Education, Early Childhood Education, or Nigerian and Foreign Language.

How do I get an evaluation letter from the Federal Ministry of Education?

To get the NYSC evaluation letter, take the required documents to the Federal Ministry Education in Abuja. They will process it for you. If you encounter difficulties, please call the following numbers 07033778053, 09069529414, 08033071465.

What is an attestation letter?

An attestation letter is a document that expresses the reliability of an assertion made by another party. The individual who writes and signs the attestation letter is certifying their first-hand knowledge with regard to the assertions or claims that are made in the letter.

What are the requirement for federal teachers recruitment?

you are required to have obtained an NCE certificate from a government-approved institution not later than 2013 and must also specialize in either English Studies, Mathematics, Science, Vocational Studies, Computer Science, Special Education, Early Childhood Education, or Nigerian and Foreign Language.

Is Federal Ministry of Education recruiting?

At the moment, the Federal ministry of education is not recruiting but might soon commence a nationwide recruitment. Interested applicants are advised to wait patiently upon the release of the application form. The form is available online at the FME careers portal via .

How do I get evaluated for NYSC?

What evaluation letter means?

An evaluation letter for students or employees is a common request asked of professors, managers and supervisors. Regardless of the motivation, you may be required to write an evaluation letter that assesses an individual’s performance, strengths and weaknesses.

How do you write a good letter of attestation letter?

How to Write a Letter of Attestation

  1. The sender’s address (including city and country).
  2. Date of writing the letter.
  3. The addressee’s contact information: name (if it is known) and address.
  4. Salutation.
  5. The subject matter of the letter.
  6. The body of the letter.
  7. Conclusion.
  8. Signature of the sender.

Is federal government recruiting teachers now?

Federal Teachers Recruitment 2022 is currently ongoing. In this article, we will provide you with the details on Federal Teachers Scheme Recruitment Portal 2022, requirements, application form on

Is federal government currently recruiting teachers?

The Federal Teachers Scheme (FTS) latest recruitment for 2022 is currently ongoing. See how to apply below. In this article, we will provide you vital information on Federal Teachers Scheme recruitment 2022. The FTS recruitment for 2022 is currently ongoing.