What three factors contributed to the high rate of drug use by soldiers during the Vietnam War?

The major contributing factors appear to be: (1) the need of troops in stressful combat situations for self-medication, escape, and hedonistic indulgence; (2) the relaxation of taboos against drug use in the United States; and (3) the availability of illicit drugs at low cost, which was apparently the result of …

What is the most commonly taken drug in Vietnam?

Heroin stood out as the most commonly used drug, accounting for 83 percent of the total drug consumption. More than 80 percent of the registered heroin users were identified as injecting drug users (IDUs).

What did soldiers drink in Vietnam?

Pinard was usually the only alcoholic drink offered to soldiers, but other beverages such as beer, cider, and brandy were sometimes given out. additional drinks are offered, such as spiced wine, champagne, or sparkling wine.

What cigarettes did they smoke in Vietnam?

Typical commercial brands issued in the cigarette rations in Vietnam were: Camel, Chesterfield, Kent, Kool, Lucky Strike, Marlboro, Pall Mall, Salem, or Winston. Due to health concerns, cigarettes were eliminated from the MCI accessory packs in 1975.

What were they smoking in Platoon?

A group of soldiers smoke Marijuana at their base camp. The methods of smoking are a pipe, a gas mask, a joint, and a Remington rifle. A group of soldiers drink beer, whiskey (referred to as “Kentucky Windage”), and Southern Comfort during a poker game.

Why did soldiers carry Kool Aid?

They carried iodine tablets to kill the bugs in the water. They carried Kool-Aid sent from home to mask the awful taste of the iodine. To protect against malaria, they carried dapsone and chloroquine primaquine tablets.

Why is Vietnamese tobacco so strong?

The extremely potent leaves of Thuoc Lao or Nicotiana Rustica form the main ingredient in this Vietnamese tobacco. Thuoc Lao translates to ‘drug from Laos’. It can be either chewed or smoked through a water pipe. The “high” of this Vietnamese tobacco is said to last for several seconds, along with extreme dizziness.

What is smoked in a peace pipe in Vietnam?

A popular historic form of smoking in Vietnam is called Thuốc lào, where the highly potent leaves of the Nicotiana rustica plant (called Thuốc lào) are smoked through a water pipe which is called điếu cày.